Plymouth may not be one of the most dangerous cities to drive through, but that doesn’t mean that its roadways aren’t plagued by negligence. You can get into an accident with an inattentive driver in Plymouth and see the consequences of that negligence permanently impact your financial health. Fortunately, car accident lawyers in Plymouth can help you recover.
You can connect with Vaughan & Vaughan to break down your right to hold another party financially responsible for your accident-related bills. Our Plymouth personal injury lawyers can walk you through the process of filing a personal injury claim after a crash. We can help you secure a fair settlement without compounding your post-accident stress.
Should You File a Personal Injury Claim After a Car Accident?
Car accidents can leave you with substantial bills that, if unpaid, can plague you for the rest of your life. If you want to stay one step ahead of these unanticipated expenses, it’s in your best interest to explore the options for accident funding available to you. You can do this by filing a personal injury claim against the party responsible for your accident.
Filing a personal injury claim with Indiana’s civil courts does not require you to go to trial to win the financial aid you deserve.
Instead, personal injury claims put you in control of how your recovery progresses. With help from a car accident lawyer in Plymouth, you can negotiate for the support you deserve in private or rely on a judge’s authority to secure a liable party’s cooperation.
Your Case Will Get
The Attention It Deserves

Should You File an Insurance Claim After a Car Accident?
Because Indiana requires all of its drivers to purchase minimum liability insurance before hitting the road, you might assume that every driver has the coverage they need to help you recover from an accident. Unfortunately, this isn’t the case. You may get into a car accident with an uninsured or underinsured driver and find yourself in need of support.
If you do get into an accident with someone with insurance, you have the right to file an insurance claim with the liable party’s provider. Even then, insurance claims adjusters may take seemingly dramatic steps to try to deny you the damages you deserve.
Does this mean you shouldn’t file an insurance claim after a car accident? No. You have the right to explore your compensation opportunities through Indiana’s insurance companies. However, we recommend that you connect with the car accident lawyer before you file your claim.
Our efforts can prevent insurance claims adjusters from using bad faith tactics to complicate your recovery. You can learn more about our available services during a free case evaluation with our team.

There is no fee
unless you win
When Should You Contact a Plymouth Car Accident Lawyer?
If you want to benefit from an attorney’s legal experience while recovering from a car accident, you need to get in touch with a representative before your statute of limitations expires.
Ind. Code § 34-11-2-4(a)(1) gives you no more than two years to act on your losses. This means you should book a free case evaluation with an experienced lawyer before the second anniversary of your crash.

What Damages Can You Win in a Car Accident Case?
When filing a personal injury claim, you may request damages based on the losses you sustained due to someone else’s misconduct. You must submit evidence tying your request for support to expenses stemming from your accident.
The losses our team can help integrate into your car accident claim may include the following:
- Lost wages
- Pain and suffering
- Medical expenses and emergency care
- Property damage and restoration
- Emotional distress
- Mental anguish
You can count on an experienced car accident attorney in Plymouth to help you determine the dollar value of losses that don’t generate traditional bills. We make every effort to help you maximize the compensation you can demand from the party responsible for your crash.
Do You Need to Go to Court to Win a Car Accident Case?
You do not need to go to civil trial to win a car accident case. If a liable party acknowledges that their negligence caused your accident, that party may willingly meet with you to discuss the settlement you deserve. For example, if you get into an accident and believe a corporation may be to blame, that corporation will likely prefer to settle your case out of court.
You may alternatively choose to go to civil trial if the party responsible for your car accident refuses to acknowledge the evidence indicating that their negligence caused you to suffer. Judges can impart consequences on parties who treat you disrespectfully, behave belligerently in the face of Law enforcement, and otherwise engage in bad faith behaviors.
An attorney from our firm can help you determine which means of securing your car accident compensation best suits your interests.

Book a Free Car Accident Case Assessment Now
You don’t have to wait to get back on your feet after a car accident. You have the right to contact an attorney immediately after a crash. Our team can join you on the scene to represent you in conversations with police officers, insurance claims adjusters, and your liable party.
Even if you can’t contact our team at the scene, you can get in touch with our Plymouth car accident lawyers early in your recovery. Our investigative efforts can help you hold a negligent party accountable for the losses you sustained in your collision. Are you ready to learn more? Contact Vaughan & Vaughan today to book your FREE car accident case assessment.