Getting a lawyer following a motor vehicle collision can increase your chances of securing fair compensation. Finding the right attorney for your situation is a vital part of this process. You can go over five questions you need to ask before hiring a car accident lawyer to prepare.
Our team at Vaughan & Vaughan can provide you with detailed information about your legal options, our experience, and the steps to take after a wreck. Find out more with an Indianapolis car accident lawyer.
Call or fill out our online contact form to get answers to your questions.
1: What Do You Think About the Outcome of My Case?
It’s essential that you ask for a lawyer’s honest opinion about your car accident claim before hiring a firm. Your lawyer should be able to provide you with a professional assessment of your likelihood of securing compensation and a rough estimate of possible damages.
Lawyers cannot predict precisely how much compensation you’ll receive, but they may offer information about possible damages for your:
- Medical bills
- Lost pay and earning potential
- Property repair costs
- Pain and emotional suffering
You can also ask your lawyer for information about how long they think your case will take. The information provided does not serve as a guarantee, but it can allow you to set appropriate expectations for the resolution of the claim.
Your Case Will Get
The Attention It Deserves
2: What Will You Charge for Car Accident Claims?
It’s essential to ask your potential law firm what they charge for their services. Most firms in Indiana work on a contingency basis, meaning they receive a percentage of a client’s compensation as payment for legal fees.
However, firms charge different percentages, often based on their experience and the size of the firm. Going in, you should know how much of your compensation will go to the law firm for handling your claim.
When Do Law Firms Receive Payment?
Generally, car accident lawyers only get payment for legal fees after they resolve a claim through a settlement or lawsuit. However, some firms require you to pay some of the costs associated with your case throughout the legal process.
Ensure you ask who is responsible for costs like filing paperwork and when the firm requires these payments.
3: Do You Have Experience with Car Accident Claims?
We recommend that you find a lawyer with experience handling motor vehicle accident claims to take on your legal needs. Some personal injury law firms specialize in other areas, like slip-and-fall cases.
These firms may not have a deep grasp of the laws surrounding car accident cases. Our team focuses on motor vehicle accidents, including car, motorcycle, and truck collisions.
Hiring a team with experience related to your situation can increase your odds of securing maximum damages for your losses.
Find Out if the Firm Has Successfully Resolved Claims
It’s essential to work with a firm that has a proven track record of bringing clients compensation for their losses. You can ask for information about past cases or even client referrals to feel more confident.
Our team proudly shares information about past claims through our case results and client testimonials.
4: How Will You Resolve My Claim?
While lawyers may not know exactly how your claim will wrap up, they can provide you with information about their proposed strategy. Many car accident claims end up resolved through a settlement with the insurance company.
However, some insurance companies refuse to negotiate fairly. The company or the other driver may try to blame you for the collision or deny the costs associated with care for injuries like concussions and broken bones.
In this situation, your lawyer may suggest filing a personal injury lawsuit.
5: What Will You Need from Me to Handle the Case?
It’s essential that you understand any expectations you need to meet when handling a car accident case. Your attorney will handle the majority of the work to bring you compensation, but you may need to provide information about the details of the accident.
Your lawyer may also request that you avoid certain actions after a car accident. For example, your attorney may ask that you avoid posting about the accident on social media and that you allow them to handle all legal communication with the other driver.
Speak to Us About Hiring a Car Accident Lawyer in Indiana
Go over the five questions you need to ask before hiring a car accident lawyer with our team at Vaughan & Vaughan. We have 110 years of experience, and we’re ready to provide you with personalized attention after a head-on, rear-end, or side-impact collision.
Learn more by calling or completing our online contact form.