It’s time for you to take back control of your life. Let the New Castle motorcycle accident lawyers with Vaughan & Vaughan investigate the negligence that led to your recent accident. Our team can represent you as you demand compensation for your roadway losses. Whether you want to go to trial or resolve matters in negotiations, you can count on our support.
Vaughan & Vaughan brings decades of civil experience to motorcycle accident cases like yours. You can count on our New Castle personal injury lawyers to represent your best interests as your case progresses. If you have questions about the civil process or want to learn more about your case’s specific value, you can schedule a free case evaluation with our team.
Who Bears the Blame for a Motorcycle Accident?
The question of blame after a motorcycle accident hinges almost entirely on evidence. If you want to hold a certain party accountable for your roadway losses, you need to bring forward evidence proving that they contributed to your losses in one way or another. This evidence can and should be varied – but you don’t have to collect it alone.
When you work with the motorcycle accident attorneys in New Castle, we can help you collect evidence like the following:
- Video footage of your accident
- Statements from motorcycle manufacturers
- Statements from accident witnesses
- Debris from the accident scene
- Expert witness input
We can then use that evidence to hold a range of parties, from a motorcycle manufacturer to a negligent motorist, liable for your losses. You can count on Vaughan & Vaughan to walk you through the analytical process so you can better understand why we believe a certain party may bear the responsibility for your losses.
Your Case Will Get
TheĀ Attention It Deserves

How Can You Financially Recover from a Motorcycle Accident?
If you want to financially recover from a motorcycle accident, you can:
File an Insurance Claim
If the party that hit your motorcycle has insurance, you may have the right to file a claim with their provider. In doing so, you can secure some compensation for your most immediate losses. That said, beware of an insurance provider’s biases. These providers work as companies, not as benefactors in the wake of your tragedy.
An insurance claims adjuster may try to undervalue your motorcycle accident losses when first assessing them. A provider may attempt to deny your claim out of a bias against motorcyclists. Both of these practices fall under the umbrella of bad faith behaviors and may allow you to sue the insurance provider in response.
If you’re struggling to secure the compensation you deserve from a liable party’s insurance provider, talk to Vaughan & Vaughan. Our New Castle, IN, motorcycle accident lawyers can communicate with an insurance provider on your behalf.
File a Personal Injury Claim
According to Indiana Code section 34-11-2-4, you have until the second anniversary of your motorcycle accident to file a personal injury claim against the party liable for your losses. Doing so allows you to either negotiate for a fair motorcycle accident settlement or initiate a civil trial. This process can subsequently secure you compensation for your losses.

There is no fee
unless you win
Do You Have to Go to Trial to Win Motorcycle Accident Compensation?
You do not necessarily have to go to trial to win a motorcycle accident case, let alone secure motorcycle crash compensation. If you submit a personal injury claim before your statute of limitations expires, you gain the right to enter settlement negotiations with the party liable for your losses.
You and your representative can meet with the liable party in an out-of-court environment to discuss the nature of your accident. So long as the liable party is open to accepting some portion of the blame for your losses, you can civilly request compensation.
You may have to forgo some of the compensation you otherwise deserve. That said, you can resolve your case more quickly than you otherwise would.
Unfortunately, motorcycle accident settlement negotiations only work if the liable party acknowledges that they engaged in negligence or were otherwise in the wrong. Parties who refuse to take on any of the blame for a dangerous accident can force your case to go to trial. You can discuss such a situation with our attorneys when first breaking down your case.
Do You Have to Work With an Attorney to Win Motorcycle Accident Compensation?
Indiana allows motorcycle accident survivors to represent their own best interests in civil court. That said, doing so isn’t always the best idea. If you don’t have a legal degree, navigating the complexities of civil law can rapidly become frustrating. Contending with those complexities on top of injuries, upcoming bills, and other losses can leave you in an uncomfortable bind.
Even so, many Indiana motorcyclists opt to represent themselves because they’re afraid of the impact legal fees might have on their already-fraught finances. Vaughan & Vaughan understands that choice and works to mitigate those fears. Our attorneys operate on contingency.
If you want to secure legal representation, you can do so through Vaughan & Vaughan without incurring any legal fees. We only get paid for the services we provide you if we win you a fair settlement.

Let Vaughan & Vaughan Represent Your Best Interests
Are you ready to bring your losses to a judge’s attention? Don’t step into a courtroom alone. The motorcycle wreck lawyers in New Castle can help you prepare your arguments. When the time comes, we can represent your best interests by making a case for your right to accident compensation.
Vaughan & Vaughan can help you navigate the complexities of the civil court system in and out of the courtroom. We prioritize your comfort alongside your right to the most compensation possible.
Want to learn more? Contact us by phone or through our website today to schedule your initial case evaluation.