Motorcycle accident lawyers can help you get compensated for the wages you might lose while recovering from an accident by pursuing a personal injury claim on your behalf. We can specifically integrate your lost wages into our estimate of your case’s total value. We can then use evidence of negligence to hold a liable party financially responsible for those losses.
Vaughan & Vaughan’s motorcycle accident attorneys in Indiana have several decades of combined experience fighting for accident survivors like you in civil court. If you’re concerned about lost wages and other losses after a motorcycle crash, you can bring those concerns to our team.
We make every effort to maximize the compensation you can receive in the wake of an accident caused by someone else’s negligence. You can contact us today to schedule a free case consultation and learn more about what damages we can fight for on your behalf.
Motorcycle Lawyers Can File Personal Injury Claims for Lost Wages in Your Name
Motorcycle accident lawyers in Indiana can fight for your right to compensation for wages lost after a motorcycle accident by filing a personal injury claim in your name. A personal injury claim argues for your right to compensation by providing Indiana courts with evidence of another party’s negligence.
So long as you can prove that another party violated the duty of care owed to you as a motorcyclist on the road, you can demand that said party fund your recovery. That said, you must have evidence on hand to prove both the value of your lost wages and their relationship to the accident that the negligent party allegedly caused.
Finding the Evidence to Defend Your Demand for Lost Wage Compensation
You can present Indiana civil courts with a wide variety of evidence to prove your right to lost wage compensation after a motorcycle accident. The data you bring forward needs to specifically prove that:
- Your injuries were several enough that you needed to take time away from work, or
- Your injuries temporarily or permanently prevent you from doing the work you used to
You also need evidence on hand to tie your injuries back to your accident. The evidence you present can include videos of your accident, social media posts, bystander statements, and input from both a general practitioner and emergency responders. You may even request a statement from your boss stating that you can’t work in your condition.
You do not need to gather this evidence on your own, particularly if your motorcycle injuries are severe. Our motorcycle crash lawyers in Indiana can step in and pursue an investigation in your name while you go to doctor’s appointments and physical therapy.
Your Case Will Get
The Attention It Deserves

How to Calculate the Value of Your Lost Wages
You are responsible for proving more than your right to compensation for your lost wages. You also need to calculate the total value of your lost wages before you can integrate that value into your request for compensation. We calculate your lost wages by comparing your post-accident income to pre-accident income.
If you’ve lost all sources of income after a motorcycle accident, the lost wage compensation you deserve may be sizable. That said, you can request compensation for lost wages even if you take only a small loss in what you make.
Our team loops those losses, no matter their size, into the total cost of your accident and fights for your maximum possible, evidence-based compensation.
We Calculate the Total Value of Your Case
The compensation you can receive for wages lost in your accident only makes up a part of the settlement you may deserve after a motorcycle accident. You may have the right to other economic damages, including ones that cover your long-term medical expenses and property damage.
You can even request compensation for non-economic motorcycle accident losses. If you suffered emotional distress or mental anguish as a result of your accident, Indiana motorcycle accident lawyers can refer to the state’s civil laws to assign those losses an economic value. We can then integrate those losses into the sum total of your request for compensation.
Negotiating or Going to Civil Court
We can secure you the compensation you deserve for a motorcycle accident in one of two ways. We can initiate motorcycle accident settlement negotiations with a liable party after filing a personal injury claim in your name. Doing so puts you in direct contact with the liable party but may allow you to get the lost wage compensation you deserve sooner rather than later.
That said, not every defendant wants to recognize the financial impact they’ve had on your life after a motorcycle accident. Defendants who refuse to negotiate may stall these conversations to the point where you have no choice but to take your case to court. Our team can transition you out of negotiations and into a trial at your request.
Both processes allow you the opportunity to fight for the lost wage damages that you need to recover from your accident. You can count on our representation and legal advice through both processes.

Let Vaughan & Vaughan Fight for Your Right to Motorcycle Accident Compensation
It’s natural to take time off of work after a debilitating motorcycle accident. How can you pay for your recovery, though, if you’re not making money? Not every job offers PTO, after all, and the bills from your recovery can rapidly add up.
When in doubt, turn to an Indiana motorcycle accident lawyer with Vaughan & Vaughan for legal guidance. Our team can advocate for your right to all forms of compensation, including coverage for any wages you’ve lost while seeking medical care or otherwise recovering from a motorcycle accident.
What’s more, Vaughan & Vaughan operates on contingency. We do not contribute to your financial struggles and instead only get paid if we win your case. You can schedule a case consultation with our team today by filling out our online contact form or calling our Indiana offices.