What can you do to recover from a motorcycle accident? While you can’t bring a criminal case against the offending party, you can take action in civil court. The motorcycle wreck lawyers in Mooresville, IN, can help you file a personal injury claim demanding damages for your losses. In doing so, Vaughan & Vaughan gives you the chance to fight for post-accident justice.
Our team has decades of combined experience representing injured parties like you in Indiana’s civil courtrooms. When you trust us with your case, you get to work with adamant attorneys who know how to fight for your right to a restful recovery. You can learn more about the services we offer in a free, no-obligation personal injury case consultation.
Contact our Mooresville personal injury lawyers today.
Motorists Owe a Duty of Care to Motorcyclists
You can only take legal action against another party if you can prove that said party violated the duty of care owed to you. The concept of “duty of care” defines the relationship that must exist between other parties on the road, including other motorists, and you.
Those motorists, pedestrians, and related parties must take reasonable steps to protect you from predictable harm. Parties that don’t make an effort to protect you or who otherwise knowingly endanger you violate the duty that they owe you.
If you want to take legal action against a party that violated your duty of care, you need to bring forward evidence of their negligence. That evidence can range from video footage of your motorcycle wreck to debris from said wreck to police statements speculating about fault. A Mooresville, IN, motorcycle accident lawyer can help you gather this necessary data.
Other Parties May Prove Liable for a Recent Motorcycle Accident
As mentioned, it’s not only motorists who owe you a duty of care on the road. Pedestrians have an obligation to follow state pedestrian laws. Bicyclists and corporate employees have a responsibility to look out for you. Even construction workers and government officials have some responsibility for your well-being.
You can assign liability to any of these parties if you have evidence of their misconduct. If you’re struggling to figure out what party you can hold liable for your losses, Vaughan & Vaughan can investigate your case and name an at-fault party.
Your Case Will Get
TheĀ Attention It Deserves

Our Attorneys Can Prove Liability and Take Your Case to Civil Court
If you turn to our team for legal support after a motorcycle accident, you can count on us to help you file a collision claim with your local civil court. Our team knows how to get your complaint to a judge before your statute of limitations, Indiana Code section 34-11-2-4, expires.
This statute gives you no more than two years to act on your losses, regardless of what circumstances led to your accident. The only statute of limitations exceptions apply to minors.
Because your statute of limitations expires after two years, it’s in your best interest to contact an attorney as soon as you can after your crash. Our team can respond to your request for representation within hours of your initial collision.

There is no fee
unless you win
You Can Win Motorcycle Crash Damages in a Civil Court Case
Why should you pursue a motorcycle accident claim when you’re already contending with the fallout from your accident? Motorcycle accident claims allow you to demand damages for your losses. This means that an at-fault party may have to financially compensate you for their negligence.
You can work with our Mooresville, IN, motorcycle accident lawyers to determine the exact value of your case before you file your official claim. When establishing the sum total of your case’s value, make sure you determine whether or not you qualify for damages like the following:
- Emergency medical care coverage
- Long-term medical care coverage
- Compensation for lost wages
- Compensation for an inability to return to work
- Coverage for the restoration of damaged or destroyed property
You can additionally request that a liable party pay for your non-economic losses, including stress, emotional distress, and pain and suffering. Our attorneys can help you assign a dollar value to these losses before you integrate them into the total value of your case.
We Help You Stay in Control of Your Case
You can request motorcycle crash compensation in one of three ways. First and foremost, you can file an insurance claim with the liable party’s provider. Our team can appeal your case if the provider undervalues or denies your claim. We can alternatively take a liable party’s insurance provider to civil court.
If you file a personal injury claim against the offending party, you can negotiate for a fair motorcycle accident settlement. Negotiations see you sit down with the liable party and their representative to discuss the value of your case. If you agree on a fair settlement, you can take that settlement in small payments or a lump sum.
Last but not least, you have the right to go to civil trial after a motorcycle crash. Trials can take a long time to resolve, but they can help you secure damages if the liable party proves belligerent. Our team can prepare you for this process – specifically examination and cross-examination – and represent your best interests as the case progresses.
You can discuss which of these paths forward, or what combination thereof, best suits your interest in an initial case consultation with Vaughan & Vaughan.

Vaughan & Vaughan Can Fight for Motorcycle Accident Survivors
Motorcycle accidents can devastate your ability to take care of yourself in both the long and short term. Knowing that your injuries stemmed from someone else’s negligence can make the recovery process all the more frustrating. The good news is that you don’t have to go through your recovery alone. You may not even have to assume financial responsibility for your bills.
Instead, consider taking the party liable for your accident to civil court. The Mooresville, IN, motorcycle accident attorneys can stand by your side as you file a personal injury claim. We can then represent your best interests as your case progresses through the civil court system. All the while, we can advocate for your right to the maximum possible crash compensation.
Do you want to learn more about our personal injury services? Contact us online through the Vaughan & Vaughan website or call our office. Let’s get your first free, no-obligation case evaluation on the books.