Truck accidents can leave you and your loved ones financially devastated. You deserve the opportunity to recover from these collisions without the compounded stress of unexpected bills. Should you find yourself struggling with a significantly reduced income or other financial woes, you can turn to a truck accident lawyer in Valparaiso for legal support.
What services can Valparaiso’s personal injury lawyers offer you in your time of need? Vaughan & Vaughan advocates for your right to a financially-sound recovery. We can make it easier for you to get back on your feet by bringing the party responsible for your truck accident to court.
You can book a free personal injury case evaluation to learn more about how this process may benefit you today.
When to Contact a Truck Accident Lawyer in Valparaiso
Ind. Code § 34-11-2-4(a)(1) gives you no more than two years to take legal action against a trucking agency, truck driver, or any other party responsible for your roadway collision. If you want to take advantage of the civil system without complicating your recovery, we recommend that you get in touch with a truck accident attorney before your statute of limitations expires.
You can contact our truck accident attorneys in Valparaiso within minutes of your initial crash. Our attorneys may respond quickly enough to join you at the scene of your accident and help you preserve the evidence most relevant to your future pursuit of compensation.
That said, you don’t have to call us from the scene of your accident to preserve your right to legal action. So long as you get in touch with an experienced attorney before your statute of limitations expires, you can explore your right to fair compensation won through Indiana’s civil court system.
Your Case Will Get
TheĀ Attention It Deserves

How to Hold Someone Accountable for a Truck Accident
If you want to hold a specific party accountable for your recent truck accident, you need to bring forward evidence indicating that that party owed you a duty of care. You must then go on to prove that the party in question violated the duty of care owed to you through some form of avoidable negligence.
The evidence you bring forward relevant to your case may include the following:
- Black box data
- Electronic evidence of negligence
- Video footage of the accident from dashcams, streetlights, and storefronts
- Photos from before and after the accident
- Witness statements
- Expert witness testimonies
You don’t have to go back to the scene of an accident to gather the evidence most relevant to your pursuit of support. You can request that a truck accident attorney in Valparaiso conduct an investigation on your behalf while you work with medical professionals to get back on your feet.
Our team can keep you up to date as an investigation progresses so you can stay on top of your right to hold certain parties responsible for your losses.
Various Parties Can Assume Liability for Your Truck Accident Losses
It’s instinctive to blame drivers for the accidents you face on the road. However, when it comes to assigning responsibility for a truck accident, corporations may take some of the blame. Your right to hold a corporation accountable for your losses will depend on what contract the driver in question operated on at the time of your crash.
For example, if you get into an accident with an independent contractor, you may sue that driver for your accident but not their clients. If you get into an accident with an on-duty employee, though, you may have the opportunity to sue a business, corporation, or related entity for the damages you need to recover.

There is no fee
unless you win
How to Request Fair Compensation for Truck Accident Losses
The majority of truck accident cases are resolved out of court. This doesn’t mean that you have to limit yourself to private negotiations when requesting compensation for your truck accident losses.
Our attorneys can explain what to expect from a trial and keep the door open for you to pursue that option should you fail to receive the support you deserve in negotiations. We can also advise you on how to request fair compensation for your losses based on a liable party’s behavior following your crash.
If you have the opportunity to receive punitive damages based on a driver’s gross negligence, we may recommend that you take your case to arbitration or trial. However, you cannot request punitive damages when first outlining your claim. Only a judge can assign you the right to receive this additional support.
What Damages to Include in Your Truck Accident Claim
The damages you receive from a truck accident claim should cover your financial and emotional losses. You have an obligation to calculate the value of your case ahead of time but may see your right to support fluctuate depending on the perceived severity of a liable party’s conduct.
In general, our team can include the following losses in your request for support:
- Emotional distress
- Pain and suffering
- Mental anguish
- Property damage and restoration
- Medical bills
- Lost wages
We make every effort to keep the calculations that go into the valuation of your case as transparent as possible. If you have questions about your right to certain loss-based damages, you can ask our team for clarification.

Vaughan & Vaughan Advocates for Your Recovery
Vaughan & Vaughan brings years of legal experience to your pursuit of compensation. You can count on our advocacy to help you recover the damages you need to pay your bills following an accident. We don’t let trucking agencies, insurance claims adjusters, or any other parties stand between you and the evidence you need to build your case.
Your first case consultation following a truck accident comes free of charge. You can meet with our truck accident attorneys in Valparaiso without committing to legal action. Contact us today to learn more about how we can tailor our services to best suit your recovery.