You do not have to try and recover from a truck accident alone. If you have questions about your rights after a wrongful collision, you can schedule a case consultation with a truck accident attorney in Brownsburg, IN. An experienced Vaughan & Vaughan lawyer can walk through your memory of an accident and help you outline fault based on tangible evidence.
Why should you go through this process, though? Because filing a personal injury claim and going to court can win you damages. Those damages can subsequently help you fund your recovery. You can learn more about the financial benefits of going to civil court by scheduling a free, post-accident case consultation with our Brownsburg personal injury attorneys.
Should You File a Truck Accident Claim?
You are not obligated to file a truck accident claim after a severe accident. That doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t, though. There are benefits to filing a personal injury claim, including but not limited to securing your right to post-accident damages.
If you pursue a personal injury claim, you can have a say over how your post-accident experience with Indiana’s legal system plays out. There’s always a chance that the party liable for your losses may try to spin the reality of your case to make it look like you caused your accident. If you file a personal injury claim, you can get ahead of those accusations.
It’s the damages, however, that most families benefit from. It’s not easy to secure damages after a personal injury accident if you don’t go to a civil judge for support. While you can file a claim with the offending party’s insurance provider, said provider may offer you an insufficient settlement or deny your claim outright.
If you’re not sure whether or not the effort of filing a truck accident claim may be worth it, consider scheduling a case consultation with Brownsburg, IN, lawyers. Our truck accident team can go over the pros and cons of the legal process with you before you commit to a fight for justice.
Indiana Civil Code Establishes Your Filing Deadline
Should you choose to file a truck accident claim with Indiana’s civil courts, you need to be aware of what impact Indiana Code section 34-11-2-4 may have on your case. This section of the Indiana Code represents the state’s personal injury statute of limitations. You must submit your case within this deadline if you want to fight for post-accident damages.
This statute of limitations specifically gives you two years to file your claim. You cannot file your claim after that two-year period expires. If you have concerns about filing within your statute of limitations, you can request that our truck accident attorneys in Brownsburg do so on your behalf.
Your Case Will Get
The Attention It Deserves

Using Evidence to Establish Your Right to Legal Action
You need to use your two-year investigative period wisely if you want to fight for post-accident damages. Both you and your attorney have an obligation to meet a civil court’s burden of proof if you want to hold a specific party liable for your losses. This means that you need to gather evidence of another party’s liability to move your case forward.
Fortunately, you can bring forward a wide array of evidence to make your point. The evidence that can prove most fruitful in a truck accident case can include the following:
- A truck’s black box data
- The driver’s cell phone data
- Reports noting the last time the truck underwent maintenance
- Video and photo footage of the accident
- Bystander statements
- Expert witness input
- Physical debris from the accident scene

There is no fee
unless you win
Contracts and Indiana Truck Accident Cases
When it comes time to assign liability for your truck accident, you can’t rely solely on evidence to make your point. There’s a chance that a liable party’s employing contract might influence your right to hold them accountable for your losses.
Consider this: a corporation most often assumes liability for the behavior of its on-duty employees. As such, a corporation that hires truck drivers as employees may assume responsibility for those drivers’ behavior on the road. In other words, you may have the right to sue a corporation if you’re hit by an on-duty employee.
It’s with that possibility in mind that many businesses hire truck drivers as independent contractors. Independent contractors have a legal responsibility to represent themselves after dangerous accidents.
It’s with this distinction in mind that you and your Brownsburg truck crash lawyer should investigate a liable party’s existing contracts before making assumptions about accident liability.

You Don’t Have to Go to Court to Win Financial Support
After you assign liability for your losses, you can estimate the value of your accident, submit your claim, and take your case to trial. You don’t have to go before a judge to win compensation for your losses, though. If the liable party understands your perspective and is open to a civil conversation, you can resolve your case in private negotiations.
Our attorneys can set up these negotiations on your behalf. You can then meet with the liable party and their lawyer to discuss your right to a fair settlement. All the while, our truck accident attorneys can ensure that the conversation remains productive and that the liable party doesn’t try to deny you the right to the compensation you deserve.

Contact a Brownsburg Truck Accident Lawyer Today
It is all but impossible to walk away from a truck accident unchanged. The losses tied to these accidents can permanently change how you live your life, even if you recover from physical injuries and property damage. In the face of these losses, it’s your right to pursue justice. No one says that you have to engage in that pursuit alone.
When your recovery seems impossible, you can turn to Vaughan & Vaughan for legal support. Our truck accident lawyers in Brownsburg, IN, can guide you through the process of filing a personal injury claim. We can fight for the compensation you need to recover from your losses, no matter how severe they may be.
Are you ready to take legal action? Contact Vaughan & Vaughan today to arrange a free, no-obligation case consultation with our team.