Amazon isn’t immune from legal action, particularly in the wake of dangerous truck accidents. Anderson lawyers understand that taking action against the corporation can prove intimidating, but you have the right to hold the company and its drivers accountable for their misconduct. Collaborating with Anderson Amazon truck accident lawyers can help you recover.
Vaughan & Vaughan has helped survivors like you get back on their feet after dangerous collisions. You can connect with our truck accident lawyers in Anderson today to learn more about your right to a fair and comprehensive settlement. The sooner you get in touch, the sooner we can advocate for you.
What to Do After an Anderson Amazon Truck Accident
It’s challenging to know what elements of your recovery you should prioritize after a truck accident. First and foremost, our team recommends you get any medical treatments you need to stabilize your health. Your physical well-being should always take priority throughout your recovery.
After you get the medical attention you need, you can begin brainstorming ways to recover financially from your Amazon truck accident losses. Anderson personal injury lawyers can help you break down the different tools you can use to secure compensation. We can go on to represent you as you pursue the support you deserve.
Filing an Insurance Claim
Indiana requires every driver, from its private motorists to its commercial truck drivers, to maintain at least the state’s minimum liability insurance coverage while on the road. Drivers who hit the road without coverage endanger their own financial security as well as yours.
If you get into an accident with an independent contractor who has Indiana’s minimum liability insurance or more, you may have the right to file a claim with their insurance provider. Amazon may also provide its truck drivers with insurance coverage to cushion the financial fallout from an accident.
It’s worth it to pursue your right to an insurance claim after an Amazon truck accident. However, we recommend that you have an attorney on hand when you interact with an insurance claims adjuster. Our presence can mitigate an insurance claims adjuster’s attempts to act in bad faith or otherwise deny you the support you deserve.
Discussing Your Right to File a Personal Injury Claim
Indiana affords its residents the right to take civil action against parties liable for their roadway accidents. This means that you can file a claim with Anderson’s civil courts following your crash. That claim can hold Amazon, its independent contractors, or other liable parties financially responsible for your recovery.
You can file an insurance claim and a personal injury claim simultaneously. Doing so can impact the value of the settlement you walk away with, though. We recommend that you connect with an Anderson Amazon truck accident attorney to discuss how to balance your right to file certain claims and what compensation to expect from your pursuit of support.
Your Case Will Get
The Attention It Deserves

What Damages to Expect After an Amazon Truck Accident
No two truck accidents generate the same losses. That’s why it’s so hard to establish an “average” Amazon truck accident settlement. You can’t rely on precedent to help you determine the value of the case you want to bring forward in civil court. You and your Amazon truck accident lawyer in Anderson have an obligation to perform your own calculations.
Indiana allows you to recover damages based on a wide range of losses, including several that don’t generate a traditional paper trail. While you have an obligation to prove your right to all losses you integrate into your claim, there are some, like emotional distress, that may generate more financial windfall than you expect.
The losses our team can integrate into your request for support can include the following:
- Emergency medical care, including relevant ambulance fees
- Long-term medical treatments
- Pain and suffering
- Emotional distress
- Lost wages
- Loss of income from a guardian
- Temporary or permanent disability
- Property restoration
Vaughan & Vaughan makes an effort to keep its calculations transparent. If you have questions about why we want to include certain losses in your request for support, you can contact our team and book a case evaluation.
How to Fight for the Financial Support You Deserve
Too many survivors waive their right to legal action because they’re concerned they may have to face Amazon’s representatives in front of a jury of their peers. This is not the case. You are under no obligation to undergo a trial to receive the support you deserve after an accident with an Amazon truck.
You can instead request that your personal injury attorney arrange private conversations between you and a liable party following your accident. You can use these meetings to negotiate for the support you deserve. All the while, we can maintain your right to go to court if a liable party refuses to acknowledge your right to support.

There is no fee
unless you win
What Services to Expect From an Anderson Amazon Truck Accident Lawyer
Ind. Code § 34-11-2-4(a)(1) controls the amount of time in which you may take legal action against the party responsible for your truck accident. An attorney must bring your claim forward by the second anniversary of your accident, or else you may waive your right to a settlement.
It’s with that deadline in mind that we recommend you contact an attorney as soon as you can after a truck accident. We do more than keep you on top of your statute of limitations. Our team also helps protect your access to evidence insurance companies and trucking agencies want to remove from the scene of your crash.

Your First Case Consultation Comes Free of Charge
The sooner you reach out to an experienced Amazon truck accident attorney in Anderson, the faster you can get back on your feet after a crash. You don’t have to let a corporation like Amazon hinder your recovery. Instead of accepting a subpar settlement, let Vaughan & Vaughan advocate for your right to financial support.
You can contact us today to book a FREE personal injury case evaluation with our experienced legal team. Your case consultation doesn’t lock you into legal action but instead allows you to learn more about how the civil system can work for you. Don’t let your statute of limitations pass you by. Reach out ASAP!