September 16, 2022, has been designated “National Concussion Awareness Day.” The annual campaign seeks to raise awareness about concussions, brain injury research, and how to help people with this type of brain injury.
Concussions are a common and often unfairly “minimized” type of car accident injury. This is because many concussion injury claims are significant and threaten insurance company profits.
Sometimes called a “mild” traumatic brain injury (mTBI), concussions are very serious. Consequently, we want the community to know that there is no such thing as “mild” or “minor” brain injury.
We also want to emphasize that concussion victims may have recourse through the civil justice system. If you suffered a concussion in an accident due to negligence, our attorneys can fight for the compensation you deserve. Schedule a free case evaluation to learn more.
How does a car accident cause a concussion?
A concussion is a traumatic brain injury caused by blunt force trauma to the head or the violent shaking of the head and body, which causes the brain to bounce off the inside of the skull.
For example, in a car accident, you can sustain a concussion if debris strikes your head or hit your head on the steering wheel, dashboard, window, windshield, headrest, or another part of the car.
The force released from the collision can also cause your head and body to move rapidly, making your brain crash around inside your skull and causing damage.
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What are concussion symptoms?
A concussion can affect a person’s ability to balance, think, sleep, or regulate emotions. Signs and symptoms may be immediate or develop over time. They include:
- Feeling sleepy, tired, or foggy
- Inability to balance
- Disruptions to normal sleep patterns
- Difficulty remembering
- Sensitivity to light and noise
- Headache
- Anxiety and sadness
- Nausea or vomiting
- Vision problems
Symptoms typically diminish in 6-10 days but may take two weeks or more to resolve. When concussion symptoms last for more than 3-6 months, you may have post-concussion syndrome (PCS). Treatment for concussions may include medication, rest, and surgery.
Should I see a doctor for a concussion after a car accident?
Yes. You should always see a doctor as soon as possible after a car accident. Even if you feel okay, you may have an injury, like a concussion, but have not felt it yet.
Call 911 and get emergency medical attention if a concussion worsens and you notice these signs:
- One pupil (the black center of the eye) is larger than the other
- Terrible headache that won’t go away or gets worse
- Repeated vomiting
- Cannot wake up
- Weakness, tingling, or numbness
- Decreased coordination, convulsions, or seizures
- Out-of-character or strange behavior
- Slurred speech
- Confusion, does not recognize people and places
Help for car accident victims with concussions
Concussions are serious injuries, but insurance companies often make lowball settlements for this type of brain injury. Our law firm stands up to insurance companies and demands maximum compensation for concussion injuries.
Contact us today to schedule a free case evaluation if you suffered a concussion or another type of traumatic brain injury in an Indiana car accident.
With offices in Lafayette, Indianapolis, Carmel, Muncie, Kokomo, and Anderson, we proudly serve clients throughout Indiana.