Personal injury accidents can leave you with more than serious injuries. These accidents compromise your financial future. If you can’t get the support you deserve, you may find yourself struggling to pay accident-related bills for the next several years. Fortunately, our personal injury lawyers in Plymouth can help you find ways to make ends meet.
You have the right to hold a negligent party accountable for your losses in court. Vaughan & Vaughan has helped Hoosiers demystify the legal process since 1913. We are here to support you on your road to recovery. If you’re ready to learn more about our contingency-based services, contact our team and set up your FREE personal injury case evaluation today.
When to Call a Personal Injury Lawyer
Lawyers use the term “personal injury” to categorize any type of accident that results in the harm of one or more parties. If you want to move a personal injury case forward, you can work with our Plymouth team, including:
- Car accident lawyers
- Truck accident lawyers
- Motorcycle accident lawyers
- Traumatic brain injury accident lawyers
- Catastrophic injury lawyers
- Slip and fall accident lawyers
- Construction accident lawyers
We encourage you to reach out to a personal injury lawyer in Plymouth as soon as you can after a life-changing accident. The sooner you connect with Vaughan & Vaughan, the faster you can delegate responsibility for your financial recovery to an experienced professional.
Moreover, you’re working against Indiana’s personal injury statute of limitations. If you can’t bring a personal injury claim forward within two years of your accident, you may lose your right to take action against a liable party. By scheduling a free case evaluation with our team, you can ensure that your claim makes it into the civil system before your right to file expires.
Your Case Will Get
The Attention It Deserves

How to Prove Your Right to Support After a Personal Injury Accident
You must investigate the negligence that led to your personal injury accident if you want to hold someone accountable for your recovery. Indiana’s civil courts require you to bring forward enough evidence to meet or exceed the burden of proof expected from the prosecution.
How do you find the evidence to get the job done? Working with a Plymouth personal injury attorney allows you to gather evidence of negligence by assessing:
- Video footage of your accident
- Photos from before and after an accident
- Electronic evidence of fault
- Statements from bystanders
- Statements from expert witnesses
We can gather this evidence while you visit doctors and go back to work. This way, you can stay on top of daily demands without sacrificing your right to a civil case.
How to Work With an Insurance Company After an Accident
Most of the time, you will have the right to file an insurance claim with a relevant provider following a serious accident. However, there are some basic rules you should follow when interacting with an insurance company, including the following:
- Do not give an insurance claims adjuster a recorded or written statement addressing your case
- Do not allow insurance claims adjusters to pressure you into accepting a settlement
- Stay on top of any deadlines related to the claim you file
- Don’t allow an insurance company to ghost you
Insurance companies rely on bad faith tactics to try to get survivors like you to drop claims against their clients. If you’re struggling to get an insurance company to address your needs, let our team step in.

There is no fee
unless you win
What Damages to Request in a Personal Injury Claim
Whether you’re filing a personal injury claim or working with an insurance company, you deserve to request enough compensation to address all of your accident-related losses. With that in mind, you can work with an attorney to find the sum of losses like the following:
- Pain and suffering
- Mental distress
- Emotional anguish
- Lost wages
- Property damage and restoration
- Medical expenses
The sum of these losses constitutes the amount of support you can request from the party liable for your accident.
When to Negotiate and When to Go to Court
Filing a personal injury claim with an Indiana civil judge does not lock you into a traditional trial. So long as your claim moves forward, you have the right to open settlement negotiations with a liable party. These negotiations can conclude much faster than a trial, but they do require you to meet face-to-face with the party responsible for your losses.
You may prefer to go to trial if the party responsible for your accident refuses to communicate with you. Judges and their staff can help you discuss the nature of your accident with a belligerent, liable party.
Our lawyers can break these processes down before helping you pursue the one that suits your interests the best.

How to Engage With a Criminal Investigation After a Personal Injury Accident
There’s a chance that the state may charge the party liable for your losses with criminal misconduct after your accident. If so, stay on top of developments in that criminal case. A criminal conviction can serve as proof of negligence when submitted alongside a personal injury claim.

Plymouth Personal Injury Lawyers Want to Help Hoosiers Like You
Hoosiers deserve the opportunity to recover after serious accidents. Unfortunately, not everyone has the flexibility to study the civil system, do their job, and pay their medical bills. That’s where Vaughan & Vaughan comes in. Our personal injury attorneys in Plymouth make it easier for you to take advantage of the civil system without sacrificing your recovery.
If you’re ready to hold a negligent party accountable for the losses you sustained due to their negligence, contact our team. We can begin investigating the negligence that led to your accident. Your first case consultation comes free of charge.