Who bears fault for a left turn accident in civil court? That depends on the nature of your accident and the evidence of misconduct both you and an Indiana car accident attorney can bring forward. While it’s easy to assume that the acting driver bears the blame for your recent accident, circumstances may hold corporations, mechanics, and related parties liable.
You don’t have to wade through this legal miasma while simultaneously contending with accident-related injuries, though. The Indiana personal injury lawyers with Vaughan & Vaughan can initiate an investigation on your behalf. Once we know who to hold at fault for your left turn accident, we can demand financial support on your behalf.
Liability in Left Turn Accidents
Determining liability after a left turn accident requires you and an attorney to visit the accident scene and bring forward tangible proof that another party engaged in some form of negligence. That said, there are multiple parties who can assume responsibility for a left turn accident.
If you think a driver bears the blame for your losses, you have to contrast that driver’s behavior against Indiana’s motor vehicle laws. When it comes to left turn accidents, Indiana Code Title 9. Motor Vehicles section 9-21-8-30 specifically states that:
“A person who drives a vehicle within an intersection intending to turn to the left shall yield the right-of-way to a vehicle approaching from the opposite direction that is within the intersection or so close to the intersection as to constitute an immediate hazard.”
That said, the party liable for your losses may not even be on the scene when your accident takes place. Mechanics, automotive manufacturers, construction crews, and even government officials can assume the fault for your accident. Our attorneys can look into these parties’ roles in your losses and make sure we hold the right party accountable for your losses.
The Benefits of Holding Someone Liable for a Left Turn Accident
It can seem like a lot of effort to try and investigate a left turn accident before taking your case to civil court. That effort, however, pays off. If you take someone to civil court for a left turn accident, you can demand that said party pays you back for the losses you endured due to their negligence. This means that a liable party may prove financially responsible for your recovery.
Your right to damages doesn’t stop at your economic losses, either. While you can demand that a liable party pay for the restoration of your car and your medical bills, you can also request compensation for pain and suffering or mental anguish.
Our attorneys can calculate the economic value of your non-economic losses before submitting your case to a civil judge. We can then use a variety of means, from private negotiations to a public trial, to get you the compensation you need to recover.
Your Case Will Get
The Attention It Deserves

When to Call an Attorney
If you want to take legal action against someone who caused a left turn accident, you need to do so before the statute of limitations on your case expires. Indiana outlines its car accident statute of limitations, also the state’s personal injury statute of limitations in Indiana Code section 34-11-2-4.
According to this statute, parties contending with the aftermath of a left turn accident have only two years to investigate their losses and bring a civil claim forward in an Indiana court. If you can’t bring your claim forward within that two-year period, you may lose your right to compensation, regardless of the negligence that led to your accident.
How to Request Compensation from Your Insurance Provider
So long as you have the right kind of coverage, you can request that your insurance provider help you contend with your immediate expenses after a left turn accident. To do so, you need to inform your provider of your accident and then file a claim outlining the extent of your losses. Most providers will then send an insurance claims adjuster to assess your circumstances.
Unfortunately, those adjusters rarely consider the full extent of your losses when calculating what damages you need to recover from a left turn accident. These parties can dramatically undervalue your case’s value. In a worst-case scenario, they may even recommend that an insurance provider deny your claim.
Fortunately, you can strike back if you’re left with a denied claim or an unimpressive offer of support. You can call on Indiana’s car accident lawyers to appeal a denied claim or negotiate with your provider. Our team can advocate for your right to the damages you need to get back on your feet again.

Vaughan & Vaughan Can Connect You With an Indiana Car Accident Lawyer
Left turn accidents, like other kinds of car accidents, can leave you and your loved ones with a mountain of bills to pay. Without an emergency fund or any additional help, your recovery may put you at risk for substantial debt. The good news, however, is that accident survivors like you have rights within Indiana’s civil court system.
Vaughan & Vaughan can put you in touch with an Indiana car accident lawyer who can help you determine who bears the fault for a left turn accident. Once you know who to hold responsible for your losses and you have evidence on hand to back your claim, you can demand compensation for the negligence you endured.
Contact Vaughan & Vaughan by phone or online today to schedule a free case evaluation.