If your Uber gets into a wreck, you can work with Indianapolis Uber accident lawyers to figure out what to do. Our team has represented dozens of clients struggling to hold the corporation liable for their losses. We don’t let Uber bully you out of your right to fair compensation or legal action, no matter how complicated your case seems.
Our team doesn’t have to take your case to trial to secure you the compensation you need to pay your bills. We often resolve rideshare accident claims out of court. However, we’re experienced litigators. We won’t let Uber deny your right to fair compensation, even if we have to go to court.
Let’s figure out what to do if your Uber gets into a wreck together – book a free case consultation with our team today.
Don’t Ignore Your Injuries
Adrenaline and other stress hormones can get you through the stress of an Uber accident. Unfortunately, adrenaline and stress can also make it more difficult to determine whether or not you’re hurt after an accident. That’s why it’s so important to work with emergency responders after a crash.
Emergency responders can identify any injuries you haven’t noticed. They can subsequently get you treated for injuries that might worsen if you injure them.
Emergency responders also create detailed reports about the state of your health after an Uber accident. When you’re figuring out what to do if your Uber got in a wreck, you can use that record of your injuries to argue for your right to file an insurance or personal injury claim.
Your Case Will Get
The Attention It Deserves

Indianapolis Uber Accident Lawyers Know What to Do if Your Uber Gets Into a Wreck
We encourage you to reach out to an Indianapolis car accident lawyer as soon as you can after your Uber gets into a wreck. Unfortunately, insurance companies and Uber can both try to minimize your right to recover.
Insurance companies can remove key evidence from the scene of your crash, making it harder for you to prove your right to damages. Likewise, Uber can throw its drivers under the bus or obscure electronic data proving that the company owes you money.
Our team can prevent these bad-faith tactics and respond to them accordingly. Our involvement in your case can preserve your right to hold negligent parties financially responsible for your losses, no matter how complicated your case seems.
We Can Find Evidence of Driver Negligence
Uber likes to work with independent contractors because it doesn’t have to assume responsibility for those drivers’ driving. Independent contractors view Uber as a client and have to purchase their own insurance, even though Uber provides its on-duty drivers with some coverage.
In other words, you may not have the right to sue Uber for your losses even if the evidence identifies Uber as the party liable for your losses. You may instead have to sue an independent contractor for the damages you need to get back on your feet.
Fortunately, our team can dissect the contracts involved in your case. We’ll make sure we hold the right people responsible for your losses, be that a corporation or an individual. We’ll pair that analysis with electronic data, photos, and debris from your accident to move your case for compensation forward.
We Can Argue for Your Right to Comprehensive Financial Support
We believe you have the right to comprehensive compensation after an Uber accident. When filing an insurance claim, we can outline your right to request support based on your economic losses, including lost wages, property damage, and medical expenses.
If an insurance company doesn’t recognize your right to Uber accident damages, we can take your case to civil court. There, we can argue that Uber or another liable party owes you damages based on your economic and non-economic losses.
You can count on our Indianapolis personal injury lawyers to calculate the dollar value of non-economic losses like pain and suffering, emotional distress, and your reduced quality of life. We’ll outline the mathematics we use to establish those values during your free case consultation.
We Don’t Let Insurance Companies Take Advantage of You
Uber works with insurance companies to protect its on-duty drivers. However, both Uber and its insurance companies want to do whatever they can to deny you support. Insurance claims adjusters may come to you at an accident scene to request accident statements or offer you settlements.
Unfortunately, those initial conversations are also rife with an insurance company’s attempts to rob you of your right to recover. You never have to give insurance companies a written or recorded statement about your Uber accident. Likewise, you’re under no obligation to accept an initial settlement offer.
Instead, consider delaying the arrival of insurance claims adjusters and Uber representatives until you have an Uber accident lawyer on hand. We can communicate with these parties for you and intercept their bad-faith attempts to minimize your recovery.
Your First Uber Accident Case Consultation Comes Free of Charge
You don’t have to let Uber get away with mistreating you after a crash. Uber accident attorneys in Indianapolis, IN, can help you figure out what to do if your Uber gets in a wreck. Our influence can prevent both institutions from acting in bad faith and compromising your right to recover.
In other words, we can help you get the money you need to pay your bills after your Uber gets in a wreck. Vaughan & Vaughan has decades of combined experience working with Hoosiers who need legal advice. We can make the information you need accessible while prioritizing your right to maximize your Uber accident compensation.
Don’t let your right to sue Uber and its affiliates pass you by. You can book a free accident case consultation with our team today.