Our Indianapolis Uber accident lawyers know what to do if your child is hit by an Uber. We can help you fight for loss-based compensation immediately after your child gets the medical attention they need to recover. Our support can help you stay on top of medical expenses without sacrificing the time you need to comfort your injured kid.
Our team encourages parents to explore their right to insurance claims as well as personal injury claims after a child’s Uber accident. Let’s break down the differences between the two so you can decide which path forward might best help your child recover from a serious collision.
Work With Emergency Responders Immediately
Your child’s health and well-being should be your first concern after an Uber accident. Do not let your child go without medical attention. Call 911 and get your child into the hands of experienced medical professionals as soon as possible.
Medical professionals perform a long list of services on behalf of families after Uber accidents. If you’re struggling to figure out what to do, medical professionals can determine whether or not your kid needs emergency care or if you can go home and apply home remedies.
Moreover, you can count on medical professionals to generate the first complete assessment of your child’s losses after an Uber accident. You can include this assessment as expert witness testimony in either an insurance claim or a personal injury claim when it comes time to pursue damages based on your child’s losses.
Your Case Will Get
The Attention It Deserves

Contact an Experienced Indiana Uber Accident Lawyer
Unfortunately, there are dozens of bad actors who will want to take advantage of you and your child in the wake of a serious Uber accident. Insurance claims adjusters can sometimes arrive at the scene of a crash before emergency responders in their effort to pressure you into waiving your legal rights.
Likewise, Uber itself may send representatives out to the accident scene to begin removing evidence of a driver’s liability. While we don’t recommend that you engage with these bad actors, you don’t have to stand for their systematic mistreatment of you and your child.
Contacting an experienced Indianapolis car accident attorney allows you to rely on a trained professional for support throughout your recovery. Our team can chastise bad actors, counter their attempts to minimize your recovery, and help you explore your right to future action as applicable.
Discuss Whether or Not You Qualify for Support Through Uber’s Insurance
Our Indianapolis personal injury lawyers know that Uber offers its drivers insurance coverage, albeit under highly controlled circumstances. Uber only allows passengers and injured parties to file insurance claims with its provider if they can prove that an at-fault driver was on duty and using Uber’s app at the time of a crash.
You can work with our staff to determine whether or not you qualify for support from Uber’s insurance company. If you do, we can help you gather the evidence you need to make your claim. If you don’t, we can explore your right to file an insurance claim with an independent contractor’s insurance provider.
Either way, we will not let insurance claims adjusters take advantage of you throughout your recovery. We stand up to bullies and prevent the bad-faith tactics that might remove key evidence from the public eye. We can also deny insurance companies’ requests for recorded or written statements about your losses.

Outline Your Right to File a Personal Injury Claim on Your Child’s Behalf
Filing an insurance claim on your child’s behalf only allows you to recover damages based on the child’s tangible losses. This means you can recover support for their physical injuries but not their stress or emotional distress. If you want to recover damages based on their non-economic losses, you need to file a personal injury claim.
Indiana’s personal injury statute of limitations usually gives parents up to two years to file a claim on their own behalf after an accident. However, if you’re filing for a child, you have until your child’s 20th birthday to act. Why? Because Indiana’s personal injury statute of limitations doesn’t kick in until your child turns 18.
We still recommend you get in touch with an attorney sooner rather than later to figure out what to do if an Uber hits your child. The more time our team has to build a personal injury claim on your child’s behalf, the more comprehensive that claim becomes. You can learn more about the claim-building process during a free case assessment with our team members.

Don’t Let Corporations Get Away With Roadway Negligence
You don’t have to stand by and let corporations like Uber excuse their drivers’ bad behavior. You have the legal right to hold these corporations accountable for your child’s pain and suffering. Our Indiana Uber accident lawyers can walk you through the process of filing a claim against the company and its affiliated drivers after your child’s accident.
We have over 100 years of experience supporting Hoosier families in their fight for fair accident compensation. Let us put that experience to good use on your behalf. You can book a free Uber accident case evaluation with our team members today.