You contend with a lot of stress in the hours immediately following a car accident. In between addressing your injuries and talking with police officers, someone from your insurance provider may reach out to you. This initial contact may seem like a straightforward check-in, but that’s rarely the case.
Insurance providers prefer to send claims adjusters out to your property after an accident to determine what your recovery may cost them. Unfortunately, these parties prioritize their employers’ financial health, not yours. With that in mind, giving an insurance adjuster a written or recorded statement after a car accident is never a good idea.
If you’re not sure how to work with an insurance adjuster, or you’re worried about what impact an adjuster’s pushiness may have on your right to compensation later down the line, call Vaughan & Vaughan. Our Indiana car accident lawyers can step in and manage your communications with a provider to ensure that you can fight for the support you deserve.
Do Not Give a Written or Recorded Statement to an Insurance Adjuster
When an insurance adjuster first contacts you, they may make it seem like providing them with a statement may easily get you the compensation you need to recover from a devastating car accident. This is not the case. Do not give insurance claims adjusters a written or recorded statement detailing the losses you endured in your car accident.
That said, you can have a polite conversation with an insurance adjuster stating that you were in an accident and that you may be in contact to discuss your right to compensation as matters move forward. Do not let these parties pressure you into premature action or an insufficient settlement.
If you find that the adjuster you’re speaking with doesn’t want to take no for an answer, call an attorney as soon as you can. Car accident attorneys in Indianapolis can get between you and pushy insurance adjusters to politely but firmly establish the boundaries you need to successfully recover from your losses.
Your Case Will Get
TheĀ Attention It Deserves

What to Expect from Insurance Claim Adjusters After an Accident
Insurance adjusters can use a variety of tactics to get you to divulge written or recorded information about your accident before you’re ready. With that in mind, you can keep a wary eye and ear out for the following:
- Live calls, which adjusters can use to gauge the severity of your injuries and comfort with the claims process
- Probing questions about your injuries and well-being that you may struggle to take back if the company keeps them on record
- Too-early offers of financial support
- Insufficient or underwhelming estimates offered before an adjuster investigates your losses
Best Practices for Talking to an Insurance Claim Adjuster
Most car insurance providers expect you to contact one of their representatives within 24 hours of your initial accident. While you can reach out to your provider or field a call from a representative within that time, there are also steps you can take to keep these conversations safe and civil.
Call an Attorney
The sooner you can get an attorney on the accident scene with you, the more straightforward your car accident recovery can be. Our team can connect with bystanders, get a liable party’s contact information, and, yes, intercede when an over-eager insurance claim adjuster reaches out to you to demand information about your losses.
Limit the Personal Information You Share With an Adjuster
You have the right to share your name and contact information with an insurance adjuster who reaches out to you. That said, don’t divulge too much information about your personal life, the circumstances that led to your accident, or other accident-related information. When in doubt, pass the phone over to an attorney and let them represent you.
Do Not Share Any Details About Your Losses
It can be tempting to vent at an insurance adjuster after a car accident. Do not do so. No matter how friendly an insurance adjuster may seem, all adjusters work as employees for a larger corporation. They will record your conversation and use your venting against you when it comes time for you to demand compensation for your losses.
With that in mind, keep what details about your accident you divulge to an adjuster vague during your initial conversation. When in doubt, redirect the conversation or make general statements. The less direct your descriptions of your losses are, the easier it may be for you to demand the compensation you actually deserve later down the line.
Do Not Immediately Accept a Settlement Offer
Car accidents tend to leave you with a substantial pile of bills to contend with. If you don’t have an emergency fund in place, the thought of paying those bills may send you into a spiral. If you can, don’t panic. Certainly, don’t accept a settlement offer out of fear that said offer will be the only one you receive.
Car accident attorneys throughout Indiana can help you navigate the state’s civil courts and secure accident-based compensation. At the same time, we can help you work with an insurance provider to revisit settlement offers and secure the long-term financial assistance you need.
In other words, you will have other opportunities to secure compensation for a car accident beyond one offered on the same day as your crash. Talk to an attorney and wait before accepting an insurance adjuster’s offer until you know more about your losses.

Indiana Car Accident Lawyers Can Help You Navigate Conversations With Insurance Adjusters
Insurance claims adjusters often do not have your best interests at heart. You do not have to let these parties bully you into insufficient settlements or statements that might limit your right to financial recovery later down the line. If you find yourself contending with a pushy or unwanted insurance claim adjuster long before you feel ready, let Vaughan & Vaughan know.
Our Indiana personal injury lawyers know how to interact with insurance providers and their claims adjusters without compromising your right to either legal action or the compensation you deserve. You can count on our team to guide you through the communicative process and, in some cases, even take over communications so you can focus on recovering.
If you want to learn more about our services, you can contact Vaughan & Vaughan online or by calling our offices.