You may need professional help from an attorney after a child dies in a car accident. An Indianapolis wrongful death lawyer can help you understand the steps you need to take in this situation and provide you with compassionate assistance in this challenging time.
Working with a lawyer means that you’ll have someone on your family’s side. An attorney will answer your questions, investigate the facts about the fatal accident, and take care of all communication with the insurance company so you can focus on your family’s emotional needs.
Why Should You Get a Lawyer After a Child Dies in a Car Accident?
You should get a lawyer after a child dies in a car accident to ensure that you have the legal support you need in this difficult situation. The legal system in Indiana can prove challenging to navigate in the aftermath of a fatal crash, and an Indianapolis personal injury lawyer can guide you.
An attorney can protect your family’s rights and strive to identify the party responsible for causing the deadly accident. An attorney will also determine if your family qualifies for a legal claim under the laws about death from a wrongful act or omission in Indiana.
Working with a Whitestown personal injury lawyer can help your family get a sense of closure after the loss of a child by holding the at-fault party accountable for their dangerous actions. While building a claim cannot return your child, it can help you get the damages your family needs to move forward.
Your Case Will Get
The Attention It Deserves

When Should You Contact a Wrongful Death Attorney?
Generally, families benefit from contacting a wrongful death lawyer immediately after a fatal car accident. Getting help right away means that you’ll have someone to answer all of your questions and guide you through the legal process.
Additionally, Indiana only gives families two years to file a wrongful death claim in most cases. Therefore, if you wait too long, your family will lose the chance to secure damages for the losses sustained due to the crash.
How Does Indiana Define a ‘Child’ for Wrongful Death Claims?
Indiana considers an individual a child for the purposes of a wrongful death claim if the person is under 20 years old, not married, and has no dependents. The state extends this definition to include individuals under 23 years of age if they have no dependents, are unmarried, and are enrolled in:
- A career school
- A technical school
- A college or another educational program
Additionally, your family may file a wrongful death claim if you lost a fetus that had reached viability.
How Will a Lawyer Help After the Loss of a Child in a Car Accident?
An attorney will address all of your legal concerns if you lose a child in a motor vehicle collision. Depending on your circumstances, your lawyer may:
Find the Liable Party
An attorney may need to investigate after a collision to find the party responsible for the accident. You can rely on your lawyer to speak to witnesses, get copies of all official accident reports, and utilize other investigative strategies.
Deal with the Insurance Company
A wrongful death law firm will handle all communication with representatives from the insurance company on your behalf. Insurance companies often try to push grieving families to accept unfair settlements. The company may even try to blame your child for a crash.
A lawyer steps in to help with these issues, protecting your family in the aftermath of a tragic crash. In many cases, attorneys can negotiate with insurance companies to secure an acceptable settlement.
File a Wrongful Death Lawsuit
You can also rely on a lawyer if you need to sue the party responsible for a fatal accident involving your child. Indiana allows parents or guardians to file a wrongful death lawsuit on behalf of a child.
You can find out more about what a wrongful death lawyer does by reaching out to a law firm for a risk-free consultation.

Damages Available After a Fatal Accident Involving a Child
Getting a lawyer after a child dies in a car accident can help your family get the damages you need to address the financial strain caused by the loss. While filing a legal claim cannot bring back your child, it may allow you to get damages for the:
- Loss of your child’s love, companionship, and services
- Expenses associated with your child’s hospitalization and healthcare
- Reasonable costs of counseling for a child’s parents and siblings
An attorney can provide more information about these damages for your family.

You Can Talk to a Lawyer if You Lose a Child in a Car Accident
Should you get a lawyer after a child dies in a car accident? Generally, the professionals encourage you to reach out to a law firm for help after any fatal motor vehicle collision.
Our team at Vaughan & Vaughan is ready to provide the help and support you deserve after a collision. You can learn more by calling or completing our online contact form.