It’s not always clear whether or not Uber will pay for your injuries if their driver gets into an accident. Contracts and the circumstances surrounding your accident can both impact your right to hold the company liable for your losses. Fortunately, our Indianapolis Uber accident lawyers are here to help untangle the complexities of your case.
You can work with our team to determine how to approach Uber for accident support. We can stand by you in your effort to file an insurance claim with a relevant provider. We can even help you bring a personal injury claim against Uber or its affiliates.
Are you ready to learn more about your right to Uber accident compensation? Book a free case assessment with our team today.
Uber Provides its On-Duty Drivers With Comprehensive Insurance
Our car accident lawyers in Indianapolis know that Uber wants to keep its drivers as safe from legal blowback as possible while those drivers have passengers in their care. That’s why Uber provides its drivers with insurance – albeit only under specific circumstances.
Uber’s drivers must be on the clock, using the app, and having passengers in the car to benefit from Uber’s insurance protection. Uber’s insurance also protects drivers who actively use the app to pick up passengers who’ve committed to a ride.
So long as a driver qualifies for Uber’s insurance, that driver will receive:
- $50,000 for bodily injury per person
- $100,000 per covered accident
- $25,000 for property damage
Passengers benefit from this coverage while in an active Uber. They may file claims with Uber if a driver gets into an accident while they’re in the car.
Your Case Will Get
The Attention It Deserves

What to Know About Independent Contractors Working With Uber
Unfortunately, Uber can take steps to distance itself from the liability it might otherwise assume on its drivers’ behalf. Getting Uber to pay for your injuries if a driver gets into an accident gets more difficult if you’re in your own car at the time of a crash.
For example, say you’re injured by an on-duty Uber driver while in your own car. In this case, you can work with an Indianapolis personal injury lawyer to hold Uber responsible for your financial recovery. However, if you’re injured in your own car by an off-duty Uber driver, Uber can waive responsibility for your losses.
Uber can also assert that the driver responsible for your accident works as an independent contractor and not a corporate employee. This is an underhanded tactic that can place the onus for your losses onto the shoulders of an individual driver instead of the Uber corporation. Fortunately, you can work with an Indiana Uber accident driver to investigate Uber’s claims.
How to File a Personal Injury Claim Against an Independent Contractor
If Uber successfully argues that one of its independent contractors caused your accident, you can take legal action against that individual. You can specifically work with our staff to build a personal injury claim against an independent contractor based on evidence of that contractor’s roadway negligence.
So long as you can meet or exceed Indiana’s burden of proof, you can hold an independent contractor responsible for your accident-related bills. Our team can help you gather the evidence needed to make your case in or out of civil court.
You can simultaneously pursue an insurance claim with an independent contractor’s provider. Our team can stand with you throughout those proceedings to ensure that an insurance company’s bad-faith tactics won’t minimize your right to recover.

How to File a Personal Injury Claim Against Uber
If Uber can’t wriggle out of responsibility for your losses, you can file a claim for support with their insurance provider. However, that insurance provider may act in bad faith to limit your right to recover. If you’re struggling to make Uber take your losses seriously, you can open a personal injury claim against the company.
Opening a personal injury claim against Uber requires you to:
- Prove that the driver responsible for your accident works for Uber
- Argue that the driver was on duty at the time of your crash
- Prove that the driver engaged in avoidable or preventable negligence
- Provide evidence that said negligence caused your accident
- Submit proof of the economic losses you sustained due to that negligence
Fortunately, Uber representatives often prefer to resolve personal injury cases in out-of-court settlement negotiations. Our attorneys can represent you throughout these negotiations, preventing Uber from using intimidation tactics to reduce your right to recover.

When to Contact an Indiana Uber Accident Lawyer
The sooner you can contact an Indiana Uber accident lawyer, the better. It’s not easy to get Uber to pay for your injuries if a driver gets in an accident, and the laws surrounding your crash can prove challenging to understand. Our involvement in your case can streamline your fight for accident support.
We can also make sure your claim for compensation makes it to an Indiana civil court before your statute of limitations expires. According to Indiana’s personal injury statute of limitations, you have two years from the day of your accident to bring a claim against a liable party.
Your Uber Accident Case Consultation Comes Free of Charge
The answer to the question, “Does Uber pay for my injuries if a driver gets into an accident?” isn’t as straightforward as it should be. There are instances wherein you can hold Uber responsible for your losses. Other times, the company may try to put the onus for your losses onto an independent contractor or related party.
Our Indiana Uber accident lawyers understand how frustrating it can be to have your hope of compensation yanked around. That’s why we step in to help Hoosier families in need. We can represent your best interests as you fight to recover. You can book a free case assessment with our staff today to learn more about our available legal services.