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Indiana car accident lawyers explain how broken glass injuries happen.
During a car accident, your vehicle can sustain a lot of damage. For example, the hood can be dented, the doors smashed in, and glass from the vehicle’s windows and windshield can shatter, sending dangerous shards of glass toward drivers, passengers, and even bystanders who weren’t involved in the accident.
Many newer designed vehicles are built with a shatterproof windshield, but sometimes that technology is still not enough for the windshield to withstand the force of a serious crash. Also, if your windshield stays intact, other windows in your car may not, such as the vehicle’s side and rear windows.
At Vaughan & Vaughan, our car accident lawyers understand how broken glass can cause a wide range of severe injuries. We have a long history of fighting for crash victims and take pride in helping them find their way forward after a severe injury. If you were in a crash and sustained injuries from broken glass, you may be entitled to compensation for your medical bills and other losses. Contact us today to see how our law firm can help you.
Types of broken glass injuries
Broken glass can come into contact with any body part and cause an injury, especially when glass hits the eyes, hands, neck, legs, or face. The following injuries can be painful and, in extreme cases, fatal.
Tiny glass splinters can become embedded in the skin and even stuck in your eyes. Although the body may naturally push them out over time, if you see a visible shard in your skin, don’t ignore it. Glass splinters can be filled with dirt and bacteria, causing them to become infected quickly. If you notice a glass splinter, schedule an appointment with your primary care doctor or find a walk-in urgent care clinic to get immediate medical attention.
Cuts and lacerations
Pieces of broken glass can cut and penetrate the skin. Depending on the severity, cuts are broken into two categories:
- Surface-level: Surface-level cuts slash the skin but do not affect the deeper layers of tissue.
- Deep-level: This type of laceration fully penetrates the skin through to the tissue and is sometimes deep enough to reach the bone. Often, deep-level lacerations require surgery and can result in disfigurement.
Damage to arteries
Larger pieces of glass can do far more than just cut the skin. Arteries can be punctured, and a victim with this injury can bleed out in as little as a few minutes. Heavy bleeding from a severed artery is serious. This injury can send the victim into shock and, without emergency medical treatment, can be fatal.
How a car accident attorney can help
You may be overwhelmed with medical bills and other accident-related expenses if you suffered an injury due to broken glass from a car accident. At Vaughan & Vaughan, we know how expensive medical treatment can be. We also know how difficult it can be for crash victims to obtain the compensation they deserve from the at-fault driver’s insurance company.
Since 1913, our attorneys have been fighting for the rights of crash victims in Lafayette, Indianapolis, and communities throughout Indiana. We have experience building strong cases and know what it takes to get results in Indiana. Discover what we can do for you, and contact us today for a free consultation. We’ll review your legal rights and help you understand your potential options for compensation.