It’s a nightmare for any driver. You’re passing through an intersection when another vehicle slams into the side of your car. T-bone or broadside accidents can be extremely dangerous because the side of your car provides much less protection than the front or rear. They can also lead to complex and challenging legal cases. From an attorney’s perspective, here’s what you need to know about T-bone accidents.
How T-bone crashes happen
In short, a T-bone accident happens because someone passes through an intersection when they’re not supposed to. A driver runs a red light or fails to stop at a stop sign and collides with another motorist who had the right of way.
Sometimes, this happens when motorists are speeding or driving aggressively. They accelerate when the light turns yellow because they don’t want to come to a stop, putting themselves and others at risk. Distracted driving has been on the rise since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, and distracted drivers may not see the light or stop sign at all. Broadside accidents are also commonly caused by drunk drivers or fatigued drivers who briefly “zone out” behind the wheel.
Occasionally, a T-bone accident can even be caused by a mechanical defect instead of driver error. A motorist may try to stop at a stop sign and find their brakes don’t work. This can lead to a collision with another driver.
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Determining fault in a T-bone accident
T-bones can be tricky. Intersections are inherently confusing places and the right of way can change at a moment’s notice. Witnesses may disagree regarding what color the light was or which vehicle had the right of way. In the absence of objective evidence, such as camera footage or photos, it can be your word against the other driver’s.
The insurance company will absolutely take advantage of that doubt to reduce or deny your claim for damages. T-bone accidents often cause severe injuries, which means they’re high-stakes cases for the insurance companies. They will use all of their tactics to ensure they pay out as little as possible.
That’s why it’s critical to have an experienced attorney investigate your accident. We review physical evidence from the crash scene, pore over accident reports, and cross-reference witness testimony to get to the bottom of what happened. Our lawyers work with accident reconstruction experts to get a full picture of how your accident occurred and understand whose negligence caused your injuries. We understand the tricks the insurance companies use, and we know how to push back on them.
If you’ve been hurt in an intersection accident in Lafayette or anywhere in Indiana, put experience on your side. Get your free consultation with Vaughan & Vaughan today.