An Indiana car accident lawyer offers helpful tips to drivers
The fall brings cooler temperatures, longer night hours, and the fun holiday for children, Halloween.
Drivers can find the season – especially Halloween night – difficult. The sun goes down earlier each day of the season, and drivers who may be returning from work in darkness may encounter children who can be difficult to spot.
To reduce the risk of car accidents, especially those involving children, it’s important for drivers to understand their responsibility and to be cautious.
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What motorists should do on Halloween night
Here are some nighttime driving tips (from the National Safety Council) for drivers to take on Halloween night:
- Drive slowly in neighborhoods: Keep an eye out for children who are trick-or-treating as well as any pedestrians who might be accompanying them.
- Don’t drink and drive: Drunk driving accidents do increase on Halloween night as some people go to bars or parties and then get behind the wheel of a car after consuming alcohol.
- Watch out for children who may dart out into the street.
- Enter or exit driveways and alleys carefully.
- Discourage new or inexperienced drivers from getting behind the wheel on Halloween night.
How to drive safely at night
The tips above can apply to nighttime driving in general. The autumn season brings the end of daylight-saving time on Nov. 7, which is when the clocks are set back an hour. Studies have found that accidents increase after the clocks are set back. People tend to experience more fatigue and drive more in darkness than they do during the summer months.
To combat the problems with driving in the dark, consider the following tips from the NSC:
- Make sure your headlights are clean and aimed properly.
- Keep the dashboard lights dim.
- Avoid staring into oncoming lights.
- Wear anti-reflective eyeglasses (if you need to wear corrective lenses).
- Keep your windshield clean.
- Slow down.
- Avoid driving when fatigued.

What to do if you’re injured in an accident
The NSC reports that half of the traffic deaths occur at night. Without question, driving at night is more dangerous than operating a vehicle during the day.
Pedestrians also are at higher risk of getting injured or killed in accidents at night. On Halloween night, children are vulnerable, which is why it’s critical for drivers to take extra precautions.
If you or a loved one is injured in an accident, contact an experienced lawyer to go over your legal rights and options. The highly skilled attorneys at Vaughan & Vaughan can help you every step of the way. We know the laws in Indiana and know all the tricks insurance companies use to pay accident victims as little money as possible.
With one of our attorneys at your side, we can protect your rights and advocate for your best interests. Our attorneys have the knowledge, experience, and resources to fight aggressively on your behalf for the compensation you need and deserve.
Find out how we can help you pursue compensation for your losses after an accident. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation with an experienced Indiana car accident attorney. Our law firm has six offices conveniently located throughout Indiana, including offices in Indianapolis and Lafayette.