Charles is a fourth-generation personal injury attorney at Vaughan & Vaughan. Charles and his team take great pride in their personal relationships with his clients. He is dedicated to winning in the details, pursuing excellence, and striving to achieve the maximum in each case he works on.
When he approaches each case, he first gets to know his client and their family, asking himself throughout, “How can I make a meaningful difference in the life of this client.” Then he is dedicated to maximizing his impact on his client’s life. “When you grow up surrounded by lawyers it gives you a unique perspective on the world. Being an attorney and walking people through some of life’s biggest challenges is less of a career opportunity for me. It’s just who I am.”
He knew the power of hard work and dedication at a young age, when he became a junior national champion in the pool in high school. He later went on to swim at the collegiate level for Harvard University. He also became a John Harvard Scholar achieving a grade point average in the top 5% of his peers. After undergrad, Charles went on to law school at Indiana University Maurer School of Law in Bloomington, Indiana.
During his time at Harvard, Charles interned with his father at Vaughan & Vaughan. “I will never forget sitting on the porch of a client in rural Indiana, hearing how a truck wreck completely ruined his life just after his wife passed away. I remember to this day the impact it had on me emotionally, the drive it gave me to hold the wrongdoer and insurance company accountable and the battle we took on over the year following to make a difference in that man and his family’s lives. It was in that case I realized being a personal injury attorney was not only a unique privilege, but it was my calling.”
Throughout law school he worked at Vaughan & Vaughan, while maintaining a full course load and passing the bar in February of his last year. In addition to his education at law school, Charles worked across the country at leading personal injury law firms. Working in Atlanta, Georgia and West Palm Beach, Florida, Charles assisted managing partners on cases settling anywhere from less than $100,000 with minor injuries to catastrophic cases settling for $25,000,000. His work on high stakes cases throughout his early years in the law has prepared him well to represent similarly situated clients at Vaughan & Vaughan.
“My grandfather said it well, and my father followed suit as a wonderful example: ‘I, and the generation of Vaughan lawyers before me, have strived to be leaders, not followers. This is what I offer to our clients, and it has served them and our firm well.’”