You should hire a truck accident lawyer to help prevent trucking companies, insurance agencies, and affiliated parties from compromising your right to legal compensation after a collision.
Our lawyers know what these parties’ bad-faith attempts to minimize your losses look like. We can prevent them from negatively impacting your recovery.
We make it easy to get in touch with Indianapolis truck accident lawyers who can represent your best interests. We offer truck accident case consultations free of charge and operate on a contingency basis. Our financial accessibility makes us some of the best allies injured Hoosiers can have in the wake of a collision.
Indianapolis Truck Accident Lawyers Help You Prioritize Your Health and Well-Being
You don’t need to run around an accident scene or compound your stress after a serious truck accident. You deserve time to rest and work through the aftermath of your accident. What’s more, you shouldn’t have to teach yourself the law to recover. It’s with your well-being in mind that we believe you should hire a truck accident lawyer.
Our Indianapolis personal injury lawyers have worked with Hoosiers since 1913. We understand today’s trucking industries and the state laws that impact accident survivors. We can break down those laws and their relationship to your accident and advocate for you in conversations with bad actors without adding to your post-accident stress.
Your Case Will Get
The Attention It Deserves

Indianapolis Truck Accident Lawyers Advocate for You From the Get-Go
Truck accidents put you in direct opposition with trucking agencies and their insurance providers. Unfortunately, these parties can use a myriad of resources to prevent you from easily getting the compensation you need to recover from your accident. They may:
- Remove or destroy a truck’s black box
- Deny you access to a black box removed from the scene of your accident
- Refuse to communicate with you about the severity of your losses
- Deliberately slow down any insurance claim you attempt to file with a provider
- Demand statements from you about the nature of your losses
- Pressure you to accept insufficient settlement offers
- Discourage you from reaching out to an attorney
If you find yourself cornered or harassed by an insurance claims adjuster or trucking agency representative, don’t panic. Inform them that you will not speak to them until you have an attorney to represent you. Do not give them written or recorded statements about your losses.
An Indianapolis personal injury lawyer can step in and prevent these parties from using bad faith tactics to minimize your losses or otherwise harass you throughout your recovery. We make it easier for you to make your concerns known to these parties without having to break through the obstacles they put between you and a fair settlement.
We Don’t Let Insurance Companies or Corporations Reduce the Settlement You Deserve
You have the right to comprehensive financial support after a devastating truck accident. You can get that support by making your voice heard above the protestations of insurance claims adjusters and trucking companies. Lawyers can help you lay down your request for compensation in terms that neither party can challenge.
Moreover, we can help you gather the evidence you need to make a case against the party responsible for your losses. You can count on our team to break down the contracts involved in your case, speak with witnesses, contact expert witnesses, and even pursue a forensic investigation into debris found at your accident scene.
We’ll keep you up to date as our investigation into the negligence that caused your truck accident progresses. If, at any point, you have questions about our findings, analysis, and claim-building process, we encourage you to ask. We pride ourselves on our transparency and will always explain what strategies we’re using to maximize your truck accident settlement.
Indianapolis Truck Accident Lawyers Advocate for Your Right to Comprehensive Financial Support
The stress from your accident may make it easy for you to overlook the losses you have the right to include in a request for truck accident damages.
If you want to stay on top of your right to fair compensation, we recommend that you hire a truck accident lawyer in Indianapolis. We can break down what losses you sustained due to a driver’s negligence, establish those losses’ values, and then integrate them into a request for support. Our attorneys have helped Hoosiers like you recover damages that account for our clients’:
- Lost wages
- Property damage and repair
- Emergency medical care
- Pain management and mobility aids
- Long-term surgeries and medical care
- At-home assistance
- Hospice care, if applicable
- Stress
- Emotional distress
- Pain and suffering
- Mental anguish
- Reduced quality of life

Indianapolis Truck Accident Lawyers Work on Contingency
The attorneys with Vaughan & Vaughan want to make it as easy as possible for Hoosiers and their families to access consummate legal advice. That’s why we offer our services on a contingency fee basis.
Our contingency fee agreements allow people to request legal representation without putting down a services deposit. You will not receive a bill from our office while your case is in progress. Instead, our Indianapolis truck accident attorneys only get paid if and when we win your case.
We also offer our case consultations free of charge and commitment. In other words, you can meet with our team, discuss your paths to recovery, and then walk away. You do not have to pay us a dime or even pursue a case. Rather, we’re here to help you explore your legal options. If you decide to work with our team on a case, we’ll fight tooth and nail for the support you need.

Schedule Your Free Truck Accident Case Consultation Today
If you’re still wondering why you should hire a truck accident lawyer, consider your circumstances. Truck accidents can devastate your finances and leave you with injuries that take months, if not years, to fully heal. In a worst-case scenario, you may have to learn to live with permanent disabilities or tragic familial losses.
You don’t have to try to interpret the legislation relevant to your recovery while dealing with these losses. The experienced Indianapolis truck accident lawyers with Vaughan & Vaughan can put their comprehensive understanding of civil law to work for you.
Our truck accident case consultations come free of charge. Book yours before your statute of limitations expires.