If your taxi crashes and you’re hurt, call 911 immediately. The sooner a medical professional can address your injuries, the faster you can recover. You can also call an Indianapolis rideshare accident lawyer to request representation throughout your recovery process.
We can walk you through the process of filing either an insurance or personal injury claim after your accident. Our role in your case can also prevent insurance and taxi companies from minimizing your losses. Don’t let your right to recover slip away from you. You can book a free case consultation with our team today.
Don’t Wait to Get Emergency Medical Attention
You should never let your injuries from a taxi accident go unaddressed. The sooner you can have a professional look you over, the faster you can get the medical attention you need to recover. We recommend that you call 911 after a taxi accident, regardless of whether or not you feel seriously injured.
Unfortunately, stress and adrenaline can negatively impact your ability to assess your health. The injuries these conditions hide from you may worsen without treatment, eventually putting you at risk for serious health conditions.
Moreover, you want medical professionals to create a record of your losses. You can later use that record to claim that professionals identified your accident-related losses and outlined how severely a taxi accident impacted your life. Their input may make it easier for you to hold someone financially responsible for your recovery.
Your Case Will Get
The Attention It Deserves

Request Support From an Indianapolis Taxi Accident Lawyer
You don’t have to fight your way through your recovery alone. We invite you to reach out to an Indianapolis car accident lawyer for help managing your post-accident life. We can outline what you should do if your taxi crashes and you’re hurt, be that file an insurance claim or take a case to civil court.
You can book a case evaluation with our staff for free immediately following your accident. Our involvement in your case can prevent insurance claims adjusters and taxi companies from minimizing your losses. We can also keep control of key evidence, preventing it from disappearing.
Determine Whether the Taxi Company or Driver is Responsible for Your Losses
Whether you want to file an insurance claim or personal injury lawsuit, you need to know who you have the right to hold liable for a taxi accident. Most taxi companies choose to work with independent contractors to avoid assuming liability for those drivers’ behaviors on the road. However, some companies will employ their taxi drivers.
What’s the difference between an independent contractor and an employee? If you get into an accident with an independent contractor working alongside a taxi company, you can sue that driver for your losses. You may not sue the taxi company. Comparatively, getting into an accident with an on-duty employee allows you to sue the taxi company for your losses.
Gather Evidence to Make Your Case
If you’re not sure who you can hold responsible for your recent accident, don’t panic. Our team can investigate what contractors may play a role in your recovery. We can simultaneously gather the data needed to meet or exceed Indiana’s duty of care, thereby shoring up your right to bring a claim for damages forward in court.
The evidence we use to make your case may include the following:
- Video footage of your accident
- Electronic evidence from a driver’s phone or any relevant apps
- Statements from witnesses
- Physical debris and environmental evidence
- Photos from before and after your accident
You can discuss what role evidence may play in your upcoming case when you book a free case assessment with our team.

Explore Your Right to File an Insurance Claim
Independent contractors and employees likely have car insurance, though where that insurance comes from is up for debate. Independent contractors must purchase their own insurance before they start working alongside a taxi company. Employees often benefit from a corporate insurance plan.
Either way, a driver’s possession of insurance allows you to file an insurance claim after a serious accident. However, insurance claims only allow you to recover damages based on your economic losses. You may not recover damages based on your pain and suffering or reduced quality of life.
Does this mean it isn’t worth it to file an insurance claim after your taxi crashes and you’re hurt? No. Our personal injury lawyers in Indianapolis, IN, can help you weigh the pros and cons of the process. We can also represent you in conversations with insurance claims adjusters to protect your right to comprehensive financial support.

File Your Personal Injury Lawsuit
Unfortunately, insurance companies rarely want to provide accident survivors with the settlements they need to pay all of their bills. If you don’t get the support you deserve, you can sue the party liable for your losses. To do so, make sure you file a completed taxi accident claim within Indiana’s two-year personal injury statute of limitations.
Our Indianapolis taxi accident attorneys can help you gather all of the data you need to argue that someone else’s negligence caused your crash. We can go on to represent you in conversations in and out of civil court.
You can outline the preferred trajectory of your taxi accident case during a free case assessment with our team.
You Can Schedule a Taxi Accident Case Consultation Today
Taxi drivers and taxi companies owe you a duty of care. These parties must take care of you when you employ them. If a taxi driver crashes and you’re hurt, you can hold that driver responsible for your recovery. What’s more, you don’t have to work alone. Indianapolis taxi accident attorneys can help you work within the civil system.
Our team specializes in helping Hoosiers overcome personal injury accident losses. We don’t let taxi drivers or their employers get away with the bad faith behaviors that might deny you support. Let’s talk about your right to take a taxi accident case to civil court today.