You should report the crash to the police if your child dies in a rideshare accident. Additionally, you should gather as much information about the crash as possible and reach out to an Indianapolis rideshare accident lawyer for help.
An attorney will provide more information about the steps you should take in your specific situation. Your lawyer can also take over all legal communications, answer your questions, and help you build a claim against the party responsible for the fatal crash.
You Must Report Any Fatal Rideshare Accidents to the Police
Indiana requires you to report all fatal accidents to the police. You may not need to take this step if you are not present at the time of the crash. If you find out what happened later, someone else should have already reported the collision.
Therefore, you may only need to take this step in some circumstances. A lawyer can provide more information about what to do if your child dies in a rideshare accident.
Your Case Will Get
The Attention It Deserves

Gather Information if You Lose a Child in a Rideshare Crash
You may need to collect information after a deadly rideshare accident. For example, if you were involved in the crash, you may need to get contact information from people who saw the crash.
However, it can prove impossible to focus on this process when dealing with the loss of a child. Fortunately, you do not have to handle this alone. You can turn to an Indianapolis wrongful death lawyer for professional help.
A lawyer can handle all legal matters for you, giving you more time to focus on your family. You can get compassionate assistance from an attorney who will guide you through the legal process and offer the support you need.
Hire a Lawyer if You After a Fatal Rideshare Accident
You can get professional care and support by hiring an attorney after a fatal rideshare crash involving your child. Your proven car accident attorney in Indianapolis can:
Answer Any Legal Questions You Have
It’s natural to have many questions and concerns after a fatal accident. Your attorney can quickly provide the answers you need, all while remaining compassionate and supportive. A lawyer can explain exactly what to do if your child dies in a rideshare accident.
A lawyer can also review your situation and help you determine if you have a valid claim against the party responsible for the deadly crash.
Find the Responsible Party
Your lawyer can help you find the party responsible for the loss of your child and hold them accountable. Depending on your circumstances, an attorney may focus on building a claim against:
- The rideshare company
- The rideshare driver
- Other motorists
In some cases, more than one party holds liability for a deadly collision.
Collect Evidence
You can rely on your attorney to collect all evidence relevant to the fatal rideshare crash. An attorney may need to:
- Get official statements from any eyewitnesses
- Acquire a copy of the police report
- Review the rideshare driver’s record
- Collect photos and videos of the collision
- Work with fatal accident experts
Getting professional help quickly can make it easier for your lawyer to get all applicable evidence.
Resolve Your Wrongful Death Claim
Your attorney can focus on resolving a wrongful death claim for your family, allowing you to get damages from the liable party. Filing a legal claim cannot bring back a lost child, but it can help you hold the responsible party accountable so your family can get a sense of closure.

Damages Available After a Deadly Rideshare Crash
Filing a wrongful death claim if your child dies in a rideshare accident can allow your family to secure financial damages. These damages can reduce the financial pressures on your family by covering:
- The costs of your child’s healthcare
- Loss of your child’s love, companionship, and services
- The costs of counseling
A legal team can track all the losses your family faces.
Can You File a Wrongful Death Claim for a Fatal Rideshare Accident?
The court system in Indiana will allow you to file a wrongful death claim as a parent if your child was:
- A viable fetus
- Under 20, unmarried, and without dependents
- Under 23, enrolled in an educational program, unmarried, and without dependents
Your lawyer can provide more information about your eligibility for this kind of legal claim. An attorney will compassionately address all the concerns you have after a crash and assist with any legal challenges you face.

Talk to Us if You Lose a Child in a Rideshare Accident in Indiana
Our team at Vaughan & Vaughan can explain what to do if your child dies in a rideshare accident. With over 110 years of experience, we provide our clients with the assistance they need after fatal accidents.
We’re ready to answer your questions and handle all legal matters when you call or complete our online contact form.