Who knows what to do if your child dies in a Lyft? The shock of this tragic loss can leave you reeling for months, if not years. You deserve space to grieve. Moreover, you deserve a chance to get justice for your losses. Our Indianapolis Lyft accident lawyers are here to give you that chance.
Our team knows the tactics corporations will use to minimize the economic fallout of your tragedy. We can step in, prevent bad-faith efforts from taking root, and preserve your right to financial support.
We know no amount of money will bring back your child. Even so, our involvement in your case can relieve your financial burden and give you the space you need to mourn. If you’re ready to learn more about the services we can offer you, book a free case assessment with our team today.
Contact Police Officers Immediately
If your child dies in a Lyft, report the accident to the police. Any accident that results in the death of a child constitutes a crime in the eyes of Indiana state police officers. They can and may arrest the person responsible for your child’s death. The state may then charge your liable party with manslaughter or involuntary homicide.
The faster you get in touch with the police, the faster they can take criminal action against a liable party. While you may not financially benefit from a liable party’s arrest, it’s the first step toward getting the justice you deserve for a child’s death.
Our Indianapolis car accident lawyers can also keep tabs on a person’s criminal case on your behalf. If the state convicts a liable party of involuntary homicide or manslaughter, you can submit the court’s finding to a civil judge. That conviction may make it easier for you to file for loss-based compensation.
Your Case Will Get
The Attention It Deserves

Request Representation From an Experienced Lyft Accident Lawyer in Indiana
You should not try to bring the fight against Lyft, its drivers, or any of its affiliates on your own. There are several reasons why working with an Indianapolis personal injury lawyer can make your first simpler. First and foremost, we can take an objective approach to your tragic loss. We want you to prioritize your grief while we preserve your right to legal action.
Our team also works on contingency. You won’t have to pay a dime for our representation. There are no upfront fees associated with our services. We only get paid if we help you win the support you deserve after a child’s wrongful death
Our team also boasts over 100 years of service in the state of Indiana. We know which civil laws give you the right to financially recover from a child’s wrongful death. We can exercise your right to compensation under those laws and prevent liable parties from wriggling out of the responsibility they owe you.
Discuss Your Right to an Insurance Claim
If the party responsible for your child’s death has insurance thanks to Lyft’s drivers’ policies, you may have the option to file for immediate financial support through that provider. However, Lyft may go to extremes to deny you the financial support you deserve.
The company may claim that the driver responsible for your child’s death works as an independent entity. Lyft may alternatively obscure evidence relevant to your losses. These efforts make up some of the bad-faith strategies that have denied families like yours the financial support they need to pay for a child’s funeral.
Our Lyft accident lawyers in Indiana know what to do if your child dies in a Lyft. We believe it’s worth your time to file an insurance claim. However, we want to stand with you throughout that process. Our influence can prevent insurance companies from getting away with bad faith behaviors that might otherwise minimize your final settlement.

Discuss Your Right to a Wrongful Death Claim
Unfortunately, insurance claims adjusters only owe you support based on the economic losses you sustain in a tragic accident. If you want to recover damages based on your family’s suffering and loss of companionship, we encourage you to pursue a wrongful death claim against the party responsible for your child’s death.
To prove you have the right to a child’s wrongful death claim, you can:
- Argue that a liable party engaged in negligence at the time of your child’s accident
- Present evidence proving that said negligence accidentally or purposefully put your child in danger
- Argue that your family endured economic losses due to your child’s tragic accident
You can rely on our team to help you make these points.
Our Team Helps You File a Claim Before Your Statute of Limitations Expires
Unfortunately, you have a limited amount of time to bring a personal injury claim against the party responsible for your child’s Lyft accident. If you don’t act within two years of your child’s passing, Indiana’s personal injury statute of limitations may expire. You may subsequently lose the right to take civil action against a liable party.
Our team knows what to do if your child dies in a Lyft. We can help you act before your filing deadline expires. We have enough experience helping families like yours that we can still give you the space you need to grieve without delaying the legal process.
Learn more about the steps we take to preserve your family’s right to grieve during a free, no-obligation case assessment with our Lyft accident attorneys in Indiana.

You Can Book a Free Case Evaluation With Our Staff Today
We know you’re struggling to figure out what to do when your child dies in a Lyft. You don’t have to let the people responsible for your child’s death get away with their unchecked negligence.
You can instead collaborate with our Indiana Lyft accident attorneys to hold those parties accountable for your tragic loss. Vaughan & Vaughan has helped grieving families like yours get the justice they deserve, and we can do the same for you.
You can book a free, no-pressure case assessment with our staff today. We will take your loss seriously, and we will not let corporations like Lyft write off your tragedy.