If you’ve been hurt in Indiana, our law firm can help
A truck accident is a devastating event that can turn your life upside-down in an instant. Suddenly, you can be left with injuries and require medical treatment. Soon, the bills for such treatment can become overwhelming. The experienced truck accident attorneys at Vaughan & Vaughan can help you get the financial compensation you need and deserve.
Many people don’t know what to do after being hurt in a truck accident. That’s normal. We’ve been handling truck accident cases for decades and can guide you every step of the way. But there are some important things you can do to help protect your rights.
Your Case Will Get
TheĀ Attention It Deserves

What you should do after your crash
Get medical attention. This may sound obvious if you have suffered a noticeable injury. But some injuries don’t show up right away. For example, symptoms of traumatic brain injury can show up days or weeks after the accident. That’s why it’s important to be examined by a doctor as soon as possible after your crash. This ensures that you get the medical care you need. It also documents your injuries, which the insurance company may dispute.
Keep a record of your injuries. Keep track of how they are affecting your life. For example, if you have a visible injury, you could take a photo of the injured area each day. You could also keep a journal in which you discuss any pain or discomfort you are having and how the injury is preventing you from taking part in your usual activities. This helps establish the impact of your injuries.
Get a copy of the police report. The investigating police officer should fill out an Indiana Officer’s Standard Crash Report. This document contains very important information about your accident, as well as information about the trucking company. The report may also document any negligence by the truck driver. You can get a copy of this report at www.BuyCrash.com.
Do NOT talk to the trucking company or insurance company. After your accident, you may be contacted by someone representing the trucking company, or by their insurance company. You may be asked to answer a few questions. We suggest you politely decline to answer any questions they ask. Inform them that you have to consult with an attorney first.
Don’t agree to a settlement offer without legal advice. Insurance companies typically try to pay injury victims as little as possible following an accident. One of the ways they do this is by making a settlement offer shortly after the crash. But this is usually a lowball offer that won’t even come close to cover the total damages you have suffered. It is extremely important that you have a lawyer review any settlement offer first.
Get an experienced truck accident attorney. Recovering financial compensation after being injured in a truck accident can be very complicated. Truck companies and insurance companies have lawyers looking out for their best interest. That’s why you need an experienced attorney to fight for your rights.
Our law firm has been fighting for the injured in Indiana since 1913. Call 765-742-0056 for a free consultation with an experienced truck accident attorney. We’ll review your case, answer any questions you have and go over your options. Contact us today.