Your actions will determine what happens when someone you love dies in a motorcycle accident. You have the option to take steps that can hold the party responsible for the crash accountable, helping you get a sense of closure.
Filling a legal claim with an Indianapolis wrongful death lawyer can also help your family get the damages you need to cover the financial burdens caused by a deadly motorcycle accident. A lawyer can explain all the steps you should take after the loss of a loved one.
You Decide What Happens After a Fatal Motorcycle Accident
You can take control of your family’s situation if you lose a family member in a fatal motorcycle collision. We know that the grief and emotional pressure you experience in this situation can feel overwhelming, so you can turn to an Indianapolis motorcycle accident lawyer for help.
Depending on your choices, you may seek damages from the insurance company that represents the party responsible for causing the fatal crash. Your attorney may also help you file a wrongful death lawsuit through the civil court system.
An attorney can review your situation and see if you qualify to file a claim under Indiana’s laws on death from a wrongful act or omission.
Will the Liable Party Go to Jail for Causing a Fatal Motorcycle Crash?
The party responsible for causing a deadly motorcycle collision may have to go to jail or prison if they face criminal charges for their actions. The criminal and civil court systems are separate in Indiana.
Your attorney can provide more information about your legal options and what happens when someone dies in a motorcycle accident through a risk-free initial consultation.
Your Case Will Get
The Attention It Deserves

Will Your Family Get Damages After a Deadly Motorcycle Collision?
Your family may receive financial damages from the liable party. The specific damages available will depend on your loved one’s age, number of dependents, and marital status. However, in most cases, families receive damages to cover:
- Medical expenses
- Funeral expenses
- Burial expenses
Depending on your circumstances, you may also receive damages to cover your lost:
- Companionship and love
- Training and guidance
- Care and affection
In some cases, you will receive damages for a loved one’s lost future earnings. Finally, the liable party may need to pay a reasonable amount for counseling.
Your Indianapolis personal injury lawyer will provide information about the damages available in your situation and provide more details about what happens when someone dies in a motorcycle accident.
Who Can File a Wrongful Death Claim in Indiana?
Indiana’s legal system only allows a personal representative to file a wrongful death claim in most cases. Your loved one may have designated you as their personal representative or a judge may assign you to this role.
However, if you lose a child in a motorcycle accident, you may file a claim as a parent or guardian. Note that individuals may legally qualify as a child up to the age of 23, as long as they do not have dependents and attend an educational institution or career and technical school.
Note that the personal representative does not necessarily receive the damages awarded in a wrongful death claim. The family and dependents of the deceased should receive these funds. An attorney can review your situation and see who needs to file a claim for your family.

A Lawyer Can Investigate a Deadly Motorcycle Accident
A thorough investigation may need to happen when someone dies in a motorcycle accident. Attorneys gather evidence to show that someone else caused the collision through an act of negligence and that the accident directly led to the loss of your loved one.
During the course of the investigation, your attorney may need to:
- Visit the scene of the collision
- Canvas local businesses to look for footage from surveillance cameras
- Take official statements from all eyewitnesses
- Get a copy of the official police report
An attorney can utilize this evidence when building a legal claim on behalf of your family. It’s essential to allow your lawyer to begin this investigation quickly to collect all applicable evidence.

You Have Limited Time to File a Wrongful Death Claim
The state of Indiana typically only gives you two years to file a wrongful death claim after a fatal motorcycle accident. Therefore, the professionals recommend that you reach out to a lawyer quickly for help and advice.
Once your family begins the legal process, insurance negotiations may take several months, and a lawsuit could take a year or more to resolve.
Talk to Us if You Lose a Loved One in a Motorcycle Accident
What happens when someone dies in a motorcycle accident? The events that occur after a collision will depend on what you decide to do. You can hire an attorney from our team at Vaughan & Vaughan to assist with all your family’s needs in this situation.
You can fill out our online contact form or call if you need help.