The amount of weight that a semi-truck accident can safely carry through Indiana depends on a truck’s axle and standards established by weight regulation enforcement agencies. Semi-trucks must stay within safe hauling standards if they want to protect themselves, their trucks, and other drivers from dangerous accidents.
Our Indianapolis semi-truck accident lawyers can help you break down Indiana’s weight regulations if you think a truck’s weight may have contributed to your recent accident.
How Much Weight Can Semi-Trucks Haul in Indiana?
The term “semi-truck” defines a wide range of vehicles used to transport goods across the United States. Each type of semi-truck has its own axle weight limit and Gross Vehicle Weight Rating. Both factors influence how much weight a semi can haul. Generally, 18-wheeler trucks should not exceed 80,000 pounds when fully loaded.
States like Indiana establish weight limits for their interstates to preserve the structural integrity of their roads. However, these weight limits also ensure that drivers can stay in control of their vehicles on the road, especially as the weather shifts and the seasons change.
Trucking agencies have an obligation to ensure their drivers are complying with each state’s weight limits. Independent contractors who don’t uphold states’ weight limits put themselves at risk for fines, license suspensions, and imprisonment. Those consequences can grow more severe if an overloaded truck causes a serious accident.
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What Is Gross Vehicle Weight?
A truck’s Gross Vehicle Weight Rating is a factor that determines how much a truck can weigh while preserving the safety of local roadways and nearby motorists.
Most semi-trucks list their Gross Vehicle Weight Rating on the inside of their doors. You can also determine a truck’s Gross Vehicle Weight Rating by searching its make and model.
Truck drivers and their affiliated agencies and/or clients need to abide by a truck’s Gross Vehicle Weight Rating while transporting goods across state lines. Failure to drive a truck at an appropriate weight can cause drivers and their affiliates to face fines, license suspensions, and even imprisonment.
Excessively heavy trucks can also compromise the safety of local roads and bridges, putting nearby motorists at a greater risk for accidents.
How do Axles Impact a Truck’s Hauling Capacity?
A truck’s axle also impacts how much weight it can safely haul from one destination to another.
- Single–axle semi trucks can usually only haul up to 20,000 pounds. As such, you’re most likely to see a semi-axle semi-truck delivering goods locally.
- Double–axle semi–trucks have a max carrying capacity of 34,000. You’ll most likely find double-axle trucks transporting goods across the country or managing larger loads.

Can Trucks Haul More Weight Than They’re Legally Permitted?
Trucks can situationally haul more weight than they’re legally permitted, but only if their drivers and affiliated companies get the right permits. Trucking agencies need to ensure that their drivers comply with state and federal regulations if they want their drivers to transport goods that exceed state or federal weight and size limits.
A “heavy haul” permit allows a truck driver to legally operate a vehicle that exceeds a state’s weight limits. Drivers should pre-map their routes to make the process of applying for a heavy haul permit as straightforward as possible.

Can an Inappropriately-Loaded or Overly-Heavy Truck Cause an Accident?
Inappropriately-loaded and overloaded trucks can cause serious accidents, yes. Drivers work with packers and maintain trucks’ weights to safely remain in control of their vehicles. An overloaded truck is harder to stop, especially when weather conditions take a turn for the worse.
In other words, because overloaded trucks are harder to control, nearby motorists, pedestrians, and other parties are more likely to find themselves involved in a devastating accident.
If you or someone you love gets into an accident with an overloaded semi-truck, you can ask an experienced attorney to help you figure out how much the semi could haul and whether or not you can charge an affiliated driver with negligence. You may have the right to go to civil court to demand damages for your losses.
When Should You Contact an Indianapolis Truck Accident Lawyer
You don’t have to assess the negligence that led to your recent semi-truck accident on your own. If you suspect that a semi’s hauling weight exceeded state standards, you can ask an Indianapolis truck accident lawyer to investigate your accident. We can gather the evidence needed to help you file an insurance claim or personal injury lawsuit.
Make sure you get in touch with an attorney before Indiana’s personal injury statute of limitations expires. If you want to file a civil claim against a negligent truck driver or packing crew, your claim needs to be made to a civil judge before the second anniversary of your accident.
Your attorney can break down Ind. Code § 34-11-2-4(a)(1) and its impact on your right to recover during your free truck accident case consultation.
Truck Weights and Limits Bolster Public Safety
States like Indiana establish trucks’ weight limits and weighing stations to promote improved roadway safety. No truck driver should hit the road if their truck is above the state’s weight limit. Likewise, truck drivers should check to make sure their trucks are appropriately loaded before they hit the road.
The more effort a driver puts into keeping a truck within a reasonable weight limit, the safer they and the people around them will be on the road.
Our Indianapolis personal injury lawyers are here to help victims recovering from accidents involving overloaded semi-trucks. If you’re struggling to get back on your feet, or if you want justice for a loved one, give our team a call.
We can determine how much weight a semi can haul and if driver negligence entitles you to a settlement.