How can you make sure truck drivers can see your vehicle on the road? Avoiding their blind spots can assist truckers in noticing the position of your car, thereby reducing the odds of a collision.
Truck drivers probably cannot see your vehicle if you cannot see their mirrors. Driving too close behind the truck or directly beside a large truck may also put you in their blind spot, resulting in a collision. A truck accident lawyer in Indianapolis may help if you were in a wreck.
You can learn more about operating a vehicle safely around large commercial vehicles with our team at Vaughan & Vaughan. Call or fill out our online contact form to learn more.
Avoid Driving Alongside Trucks
Many truck accidents in Indiana occur because truckers cannot see other vehicles due to their blind spots. Commercial trucks tend to have blind spots on either side of their vehicles, and truck drivers probably cannot see your vehicle if you linger in these areas.
We understand that you may sometimes have to pass or drive alongside commercial vehicles. Ensure you signal early when you need to pass so the truck driver will know you’ll be beside their vehicle.
The professionals also recommend passing cautiously and as quickly as you safely can. Keep this tip in mind to stay safe.
Try to Only Pass Trucks on the Left
Most areas in the U.S. expect drivers to pass on the left. In addition to adhering to this guideline, passing trucks on the left is safer. Large commercial vehicles have a bigger blind spot on the right, making it harder for drivers to see you on that side.
Try to Maintain a View of the Truck’s Mirrors
A good tip for driving safely and passing large trucks involves paying attention to the location of the vehicle’s side mirrors. Generally, the driver can see your vehicle if you can see these mirrors. However, this may not always hold true.
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Avoid Tailgating Trucks to Stay Visible
Large commercial vehicles also have blind spots behind their rear bumper due to their large size. If you tailgate a trucker, they may not seek your vehicle. The professionals recommend leaving about a four-second distance between your vehicle and a large truck.
Hanging back also ensures you can see what’s happening in front of the large truck and gives you time to slow down if the trucker hits their brakes.
What Other Behavior Should You Avoid Around Large Trucks?
Driving cautiously around large trucks can help you stay safe and make it easier for truckers to see your vehicle on the road. Professionals also recommend that you avoid:
- Honking outside of emergencies
- Any form of aggressive driving
- Weaving in and out of traffic
Keeping these factors in mind when you drive can make the roads in Indiana safer.
Monitor Your Position When Driving in Front of a Truck
While it may seem counterintuitive, large trucks also have a blind spot in front of the cab of the truck. You should avoid changing lanes directly in front of a commercial vehicle, as the driver may not see your vehicle and could strike you.
What’s a Safe Distance to Drive in Front of a Truck?
You can help truck drivers see your vehicle by driving far enough ahead that you can see their headlights in the rearview mirror of your vehicle. Keep in mind, also, that commercial trucks take longer to stop than other vehicles due to their size and weight.
If you cut directly in front of a large truck, the driver may be unable to slow down in time to avoid striking you, even if they see you.
Can You Merge in Front of a Large Truck?
You can safely merge in front of commercial vehicles while staying visible if you take a reasonable amount of care. Try to only merge if you’re a minimum of two car lengths beyond the truck.
In order to maintain your safety, do your best to maintain your speed when you merge. If you suddenly slow down, the trucker may be unable to adjust.
Note that you could end up in a truck accident even if you follow all these safety tips. In this situation, you can reach out to an attorney for help building a claim for compensation.

Learn More About Making Sure Truckers Can See Your Vehicle on the Road
Truck drivers probably cannot see your vehicle if you follow too closely or drive beside them. You can make sure truckers see you by keeping your vehicle out of their blind spots. If these precautions don’t work, you may sustain injuries in an accident.
In this situation, you can contact a truck accident lawyer from Vaughan & Vaughan for help. Call or fill out our online contact form to learn more.