You can find yourself facing down all manner of tricky forces in the immediate days following a motorcycle accident. Insurance providers may want to undervalue your claim and can use bad faith tactics to do so. A liable party may try to put the blame for the crash onto you. How can you protect your rights from these parties while also recovering from crash-related injuries?
When in doubt, turn to Indiana’s motorcycle accident lawyers. Vaughan & Vaughan can step in and make sure that insurance providers, liable parties, and the civil court system at large give your case the respect it deserves. We make every effort to preserve your rights throughout the legal process, all while keeping you up-to-date on important developments.
Want to learn more? You can meet with our personal injury lawyers in Indiana today to discuss what rights you may have in the wake of a motorcycle crash.
Motorcycle Accident Lawyers Communicate With Police Officers on Your Behalf
While you can’t initiate a criminal case against the party liable for your motorcycle accident, you may still find yourself having conversations with police officers about the nature of your accident. These conversations often guide officers and the state to hold certain parties criminally liable for your losses.
That said, you need to be careful when discussing your accident with police officers. Even something as simple as an apology can become evidence of guilt if twisted the right way. When in doubt, limit the information you share with police officers until there’s an attorney on the scene. Cooperate with officers, but let an attorney speak on your behalf.
Some officers may try to convince you that waiting for an attorney makes you look guilty or otherwise delays the legal process. This is not the case. Attorneys make an effort to protect your rights by mediating between you and at-the-scene officers.
Your Case Will Get
The Attention It Deserves

We Can Minimize Your Contact With a Liable Party
Speaking of mediation, it can be difficult to have a civil conversation with a liable party immediately following your motorcycle accident. If the liable party refuses to recognize their role in your losses, these conversations may seem functionally fruitless. You may even accidentally implicate yourself if you try to vent your frustration about their uncooperative behavior.
With that in mind, consider letting an Indiana motorcycle accident attorney manage your conversations with a liable party. Our assistance helps you on two fronts. First and foremost, we give you the space you need to focus on your recovery without forgoing your legal rights.
Secondly, we prevent a liable party from misrepresenting the nature of your accident. In doing so, we can make it easier for you to secure the financial support you need to recover.
Our Team Manages Conversations With Insurance Providers
If the party that caused your motorcycle accident has insurance, as required by the state of Indiana, you may have the right to file a post-accident insurance claim. That said, working with insurance providers can be as tricky as working with the liable party themselves. These providers want to protect their bottom lines, not you.
You don’t have to reach out to these parties alone, though. If you have an attorney on your side, you can craft a strong insurance claim detailing the full breadth of your losses. Our team can then step in if an insurance claims adjuster attempts to undervalue your losses. We can also appeal a denied claim if necessary.
Vaughan & Vaughan can even take a bad faith insurance provider to civil court if that insurance provider denies your right to compensation out of institutional or personal bias.

We Can Keep You on Top of Your Filing Deadlines
Filing deadlines are make or break after motorcycle accidents. If you try to file a motorcycle accident claim outside of your relevant statute of limitations, the state can deny your right to compensation outright.
The state goes into detail about its statute of limitations in Indiana Code section 34-11-2-4. This statute gives Indiana personal injury lawyers and you no more than two years to act on your losses.
Fortunately, our team can plan our investigative timeline with that deadline in mind. You can count on us to get your claim to a judge long before your statute of limitations expires. We can keep you up-to-date as we investigate your case and let you know once we’ve turned your claim over to official parties.

We Continually Defend Your Right to the Most Possible Compensation
Insurance providers and liable parties alike can both attempt to undervalue the nature of your accident losses. Vaughan & Vaughan doesn’t allow those parties to get away with dismissing the reality of your due damages, though. When you have our team on your side, you can trust us to continually advocate for your right to comprehensive motorcycle crash compensation.
We estimate the sum of your economic and non-economic losses long before bringing your claim to a judge’s attention. These mathematics ensure that we can accurately represent the economic impact an accident has had on your daily life. We can then return to that estimate and the evidence that defends it if another party attempts to invalidate your right to support.
Vaughan & Vaughan Defends Your Best Interests
Motorcycle accident lawyers throughout Indiana want your post-accident recovery to be as straightforward and stress-free as possible. That’s why our team continually advocates for your rights throughout the legal process should you choose to pursue a complaint. You can count on us to defend you from bad faith insurers, belligerent liable parties, and wrongful claim denials.
Are you ready to learn more about our services? You can schedule a free, no-obligation case evaluation with our team within hours of your motorcycle crash. Contact us by phone or through our website to get your first appointment on the books.