How are you supposed to recover from a motorcycle accident if the party who caused your accident doesn’t have appropriate insurance? That depends on the nature of your accident. Indiana’s motorcycle accident attorneys can investigate your accident as well as the liable party’s negligence to better outline your path to post-accident recovery.
If, for example, the liable party failed to invest in insurance but has the funds to help you recover, we can pursue a personal injury claim on your behalf. We can also communicate with your insurance provider to ensure you get the accident coverage you’ve been investing in.
In other words, Vaughan & Vaughan can help you pursue financial support after a motorcycle accident regardless of whether or not the liable party was insured. You can contact our Indiana motorcycle crash lawyers to schedule a free case evaluation within hours of your initial crash.
Reacting to a Motorcycle Accident With an Uninsured Driver
Finding out that the person who caused your motorcycle accident doesn’t have insurance can feel emotionally devastating. After all, it’s an insurance company that can help you fund your post-accident recovery. If the party who hit you doesn’t have coverage, they may have to rely on their personal funds to address your losses.
A party that doesn’t have substantial personal funds may, in turn, not be able to help you recover from your losses in full. That can leave you footing the bill for an accident that you didn’t have a hand in causing.
Fortunately, you’re not out of luck if you get into an accident with an uninsured driver. You can turn to Indiana’s motorcycle accident lawyers to discuss your options for post-accident financial recovery. We, in turn, can represent you in conversations with the liable party as well as your own insurance provider.
Your Case Will Get
The Attention It Deserves

When to Turn to a Motorcycle Accident Lawyer
Indiana places a statute of limitations on your right to pursue a personal injury claim. This statute, Indiana Code section 34-11-2-4, gives you no more than two years to pursue compensation for your losses.
If you want to work with an attorney to address an uninsured motorcycle accident, you need to reach out to a possible representative within that two-year period. Our attorneys can specifically help you:
Compose a Motorcycle Accident Insurance Claim
If you have under or uninsured driver insurance, you’re in luck. You can rely on those policies to help you financially recover after a motorcycle accident. You can request that an attorney help you compile a claim to file with your provider demanding accident coverage. Our team can then step in if an insurance provider tries to short that coverage for its own sake.
We can also help you appeal a denied insurance claim should your provider fail to offer you support. We can take this action on your behalf regardless of whether or not you have under or uninsured driver insurance. So long as you were operating on the road with the state’s minimum liability coverage, and you can prove the other party’s negligence, you have a right to support.
Initiate a Civil Claim Against the Offending Party
You may additionally have the right to initiate a personal injury case against the party liable for your motorcycle accident. Under ideal circumstances, this process can help you secure the financial damages you need to recover from your losses.
That said, many drivers on the road today don’t have insurance because they can’t afford it. If this happens to be the case, the liable party may have to file bankruptcy if you hold them accountable for your financial losses in civil court. With that in mind, it’s important to discuss the pros and cons of pursuing a civil claim against an uninsured liable party before you go to court.
Do You Need to Work With a Motorcycle Accident Lawyer?
You are not obligated to work with an Indiana motorcycle accident attorney after an accident involving an under or uninsured driver. You can gather the information relevant to your accident on your own, present your own claim to a judge, or even arrange private settlement negotiations without legal support.
Managing all of those responsibilities on top of your recovery can, however, prove challenging. If you try to take on too many responsibilities after an accident, you may find yourself healing more slowly than you’d like or otherwise struggling. That’s why working with an attorney can benefit your personal health and legal efforts.
What’s more, Indiana’s personal injury attorneys bring several combined decades of legal experience to an investigation into your losses. Our understanding of Indiana’s civil law can help you secure the compensation you need to recover from your losses faster than you might while working on your own.
If you’re still not sure whether or not you want to work with an attorney, consider scheduling a free case evaluation with our team. We can discuss the services we offer to motorcycle accident survivors, and you can determine if you want to work with our attorneys.

Vaughan & Vaughan Can Guide You Toward the Motorcycle Accident Compensation You Deserve
Uninsured drivers endanger everyone on the road alongside them. Unfortunately, you can’t force someone to invest in insurance that can protect them and you from a dangerous accident. If you get into an accident with an unprepared driver, you have to contend with the consequences introduced into your life by that unprepared driver’s negligence.
You don’t have to make your way through the world of insurance claims and personal injury cases alone, though. You can collaborate with Vaughan & Vaughan’s motorcycle accident lawyers in Indiana to first communicate with your insurance provider and then take action against a liable party.
You can contact Vaughan & Vaughan to arrange a motorcycle accident case consultation within hours of your initial crash. Reach out online or by calling our office to arrange your free case evaluation.