While a reckless driving charge does not automatically see a commercial driver lose their commercial driving license, it puts them at risk of a license suspension or revocation. Reckless drivers operating commercial vehicles may also see themselves face fines, jail time, and other consequences for any of their alleged criminal misconduct.
Unfortunately, a commercial driver’s recklessness behind the wheel endangers more than their goods. It also puts everyone on the road around them at risk of injury. Anyone who walks away from an accident with a reckless commercial driver has the right to take civil action against that driver or their employer.
Keep reading to learn more about how reckless driving affects a CDL in Indiana.
Indianapolis car accident lawyers can help reckless driving accident victims secure a settlement that accounts for the value of their lost wages, property damage, and medical expenses.
Indiana’s Laws Define Reckless Driving With a CDL
Indiana’s definition of “reckless driving” is reasonably broad, especially when an alleged offender has a commercial driver’s license (CDL). According to the Code of Federal Regulations, commercial drivers are at risk of having their licenses suspended or revoked if state representatives accuse them of the following:
- Reckless driving, general: the state of Indiana understands “reckless driving” to encompass behaviors like speeding, unsafe lane changes, passing a school bus with an extended stop arm, blocking traffic, and knowingly or accidentally endangering others. However, it’s not until someone’s second offensive driving conviction that their CDL is at risk. Anyone convicted of reckless driving may lose their CDL license for up to 60 days upon their second conviction and up to 120 days on their third.
- Operating a commercial vehicle while intoxicated: no one may get behind the wheel of a car with a blood alcohol content of 0.08 percent or more. Commercial drivers convicted of an OWI in Indiana may lose their license for up to one year upon their first conviction. Drivers may permanently lose their CDL upon their second OWI conviction.
- Using a commercial vehicle as an accessory to a felony crime: drivers convicted of a felony crime that involved the illegal use of a commercial vehicle will permanently lose their CDL and may not petition to have it reinstated.
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Reckless Driving Charges Don’t Automatically Disqualify Someone From Having a CDL
As noted, reckless driving affects a CDL by putting a driver’s right to retain their license at risk. However, Indiana doesn’t automatically suspend or revoke someone’s license if they’re charged with a CDL the first time. Anyone accused of general recklessness on the road won’t lose their CDL until their second conviction.
What’s more, parties who’ve had their CDLs suspended may petition to have their licenses reinstated after their suspension period passes. The court can even waive lifetime suspensions if an impacted driver goes ten years without incurring any additional convictions.
You Can Report Reckless Drivers for Dangerous Misconduct
How should you react if you see someone inappropriately handling a commercial vehicle on any of Indiana’s interstates? You have the right to report corporate vehicle misconduct even before it directly impacts your daily life. You can contact a driver’s employer or reach out to local law enforcement to get dangerous drivers off of the road.

How to Protect Yourself From Reckless Driving in Indiana
You can’t control how other people behave on the road. However, knowing how reckless driving affects a CDL is half the battle. The other half is taking steps to keep yourself safe.
If you spot a commercial driver on the road, you can take steps to protect yourself from harm, including staying out of their blind spot and allowing for a reasonable following distance. Our lawyers also recommend that you:
- Take extra precautions while passing corporate vehicles, especially wider loads
- Anticipate a corporate’s vehicles’ wider turns
- Get enough sleep before hitting the road
- Avoid roadway distractions, including illegal cell phone use

When to Contact Indianapolis Accident Lawyers
If someone’s reckless behavior behind the wheel of a commercial vehicle causes an accident, survivors have the right to hold a negligent driver responsible for their recovery. In other words, you may have the right to sue a commercial driver or their employer for any losses sustained on the road.
Suing corporate entities gets easier when you have an experienced lawyer on your side. You can partner with Indianapolis’s personal injury lawyers to gather the data you need to meet or exceed the state’s burden of proof. Doing so allows you to bring your claim forward in civil court, where you can either negotiate for financial support or ask a judge to rule on your case.
Should you decide you want to move forward with a personal injury claim after an accident with a commercial vehicle, make sure you act within Indiana’s personal injury statute of limitations. Ind. Code § 34-11-2-4(a)(1) only gives you two years to file your paperwork. Fortunately, our team can manage the logistics of your lawsuit while you prioritize your health and well-being.
Don’t Let Reckless Commercial Drivers Compromise Your Safety
Commercial drivers who behave recklessly on the road can put their right to hold a commercial driver’s license at risk. More importantly, these drivers can endanger everyone on the road around them.
Should you find yourself contending with injuries or economic losses after an accident with a commercial driver, don’t panic. An experienced car accident driver in Indianapolis can streamline your recovery. We can work with you to determine how reckless driving may impact the driver’s CDL, what recklessness led to your accident, and how you can ask insurers and liable parties for compensation.
Don’t let negligent drivers get away with the dangerous behaviors that put your well-being at risk. Let’s work together to hold commercial drivers accountable for their negligence in and out of court.