How do you prove liability after a motorcycle accident? If you work with an Indiana motorcycle accident attorney, that party can investigate your accident and document the data that you can later use to accuse another party of negligence. So long as the evidence and analysis that you submit are thorough, you may successfully hold another party accountable for your losses.
Vaughan & Vaughan understands that you may be reluctant to work with an attorney after a severe accident, though. After all, legal fees can prove daunting. Fortunately, Vaughan & Vaughan operates on contingency. You can discuss our contingency fee agreements during your initial consultation and pursue your case free of charge.
The Indiana motorcycle accident lawyers with Vaughan & Vaughan only get paid for our services if we win your case. With that in mind, schedule your case consultation with our law firm and learn more about the techniques our motorcycle crash attorneys use to prove accident liability in civil court.
Document the Accident Scene
An Indiana motorcycle accident lawyer who wants to help you prove fault in civil court needs to understand why your accident took place. Your right to legal action hinges on a lawyer’s ability to bring forward evidence of negligence in your personal injury claim.
As such, an attorney should revisit the scene of your accident to gather the information necessary to understand your losses. This can mean speaking to bystanders and obtaining a copy of the police report describing the nature of your accident. It can also mean picking up physical debris related to the negligence that caused your accident.
If an attorney gathers the contact information of bystanders available at the scene, they can later call on those bystanders to testify as to the nature of your accident.
Your Case Will Get
The Attention It Deserves

Present Evidence of Negligence
The documentation an attorney takes away from your initial accident scene becomes part of the roster of evidence they can submit to a civil court to prove another party’s accident liability. The forms of evidence most relevant to a motorcycle accident lawyer’s effort to prove liability in civil court include the following:
- Photos and videos of the accident
- Debris depicting the nature of the accident
- Debris elaborating on the losses you endured in your accident
- Recorded, written, or verbalized statements from bystanders
- Expert witness opinions, including accident recreations
- Police reports
- Statements from medical professionals regarding your post-accident condition
We follow this evidence back to its source to most effectively identify the party that may be liable for your losses. After all, if you want to hold a party liable for your motorcycle accident losses, you must have evidence on hand to either place them at the accident scene while engaging in negligence or place them in a relationship to the object that caused your accident.
For example, if you get into an accident with another motorist, the evidence we gather from the accident scene must establish that said driver violated the duty owed to you. If your accident results from a vehicular failure, though, we need to use available evidence to prove that the vehicular failure stemmed from a manufacturer’s or mechanic’s product failure.
You can discuss the relationship between evidence and a motorcycle accident’s liable party in more detail during an initial case consultation with Vaughan & Vaughan.
Don’t Let a Liable Party Deny Responsibility for Your Motorcycle Accident
Unfortunately, some liable parties in Indiana may attempt to deflect blame for your accident or even turn the tables back onto you. The Indiana Comparative Fault Act allows the state’s civil courts to recognize cases wherein fault for a motorcycle accident may fall onto multiple parties, the victim – or you – included.
The good news is that you have the right to continue pursuing your case even after a liable party attempts to put the blame for the accident on you. So long as you can argue that you are less than 51 percent liable for the accident, you can demand compensation for your losses.
You can also work with an Indiana motorcycle crash lawyer to refute the liable party’s attempts to blame you for your own losses. If the liable party argues these points in negotiations, we can use the aforementioned evidence to disprove your involvement in the accident. We can similarly initiate a re-cross in civil trials to address the liable party’s accusations.

Indiana Motorcycle Crash Lawyers Can Stand With You
While you can represent your own best interests after a motorcycle accident, you’re not obligated to fight alone. You can contact the Indiana motorcycle accident attorneys working with Vaughan & Vaughan for help bringing forward evidence of another party’s violated duty of care. Our team can walk you through the process of finding viable data and analyzing it for court use.
We want to make it as easy as possible for you to argue for your right to compensation in either private negotiations or before a judge. That’s why we encourage you to meet with our attorneys before you initiate a motorcycle accident case. You can learn more about our services during a free case consultation.
Contact us through Vaughan & Vaughan’s website or by phone to get your appointment with an experienced personal injury attorney on the books.