What can a Noblesville construction accident lawyer do for you in the days following your accident? We take a multi-faceted approach to the pursuit of justice on your behalf. You can turn to our team for help talking with insurance providers or construction company representatives.
All the while, you can trust our team to serve as your advocate. We know how to fight for your right to fair treatment and comprehensive compensation in the wake of a negligence-based accident. You can contact Noblesville’s personal injury lawyers within days of your accident for help restoring your previous quality of life.
Don’t wait. Reach out to Vaughan & Vaughan today to discuss your recent construction accident.
How to Recover from a Construction Accident
If you want to get your life back on track after a construction accident, you can:
Ask Medical Professionals to Assess Your Injuries
You’re likely going to need long-term medical care to recover from a construction site accident adequately. That said, working with medical professionals allows you to do more than address accident-related injuries. Medical professionals responding to a construction site accident can give you their professional opinions on the severity of your losses.
These professionals can make it easier for you to demand compensation for your losses by elaborating on the ways someone else’s negligence directly and negatively impacts your quality of life. You may have the chance to bring medical reports or testimony forward should you choose to pursue civil action against a liable party.
Get a Liable Party’s Insurance Information
You may have the chance to request compensation for accident-related losses from the liable party’s insurance provider. Most construction crews assume mandatory coverage for on-the-clock employees and site managers, while companies likely have institution-wide coverage.
That said, you can’t file an insurance claim if you don’t have the liable party’s insurance policy number. Either you or a personal representative may want to speak with liable parties at the scene to get this information well in advance. The sooner you can file an insurance claim, the more likely you are to get the financial support you deserve.
If you don’t know who to hold liable for a construction accident, you may want to contact a personal injury attorney. Noblesville construction accident lawyers can help you gather the evidence needed to assign liability before you talk to a specific party.
Consider Your Legal Options
Insurance providers don’t often want to pay construction accident survivors like you the loss-based settlement you deserve. Should you find yourself going up against a persnickety provider, you may have the right to sue the company for bad faith conduct.
You can alternatively take up your complaints with the individual or company liable for your losses. Indiana affords you the right to pursue a personal injury claim against the party responsible for your negligence-based accident.
The civil process exists to help you fight for the compensation you need to cover your accident-related losses. If you want to take advantage of that system, you need to file a personal injury claim with your local civil justice before your construction accident case’s statute of limitations expires.
Your Case Will Get
TheĀ Attention It Deserves

Prosecuting Criminal Behavior in Tandem With a Civil Case
You cannot initiate criminal proceedings against a construction worker or company after an accident, even if these parties’ behaviors seemed to violate Indiana law. Only the state can take an offending party to criminal court.
That doesn’t mean that criminal proceedings might not have an influence on your life, though. State prosecutors may call on you to testify as to the unlawful behavior exhibited by offending parties. You, in turn, should stay on top of an offending party’s criminal proceedings.
If Indiana criminal courts convict construction workers or companies for unlawful misconduct, you can bring that ruling to a civil judge’s attention. Criminal convictions can serve as proof of negligence in civil court. In other words, a conviction can make it easier for you to get the financial support you need to recover.

There is no fee
unless you win
How to Build an Indiana Construction Accident Claim
Should you decide that you want to bring a construction accident claim forward in civil court, you need to build a claim that meets the state’s burden of proof. This means that you need to bring forward tangible evidence indicating that:
- Someone else owed you a duty of care at the time of an accident
- Someone violated that duty of care via negligence
- The negligence in question was avoidable
- Said negligence resulted in economic losses
You have a similar responsibility to calculate the total value of your construction accident losses before you bring your claim to court. You can work with a Noblesville construction accident attorney to determine the dollar value of your economic and non-economic damages to make an estimate of your case’s total value as accurately and comprehensively as possible.
When to File Your Construction Accident Claim
Make sure you bring your construction accident civil claim forward well within the statute of limitations established in Indiana Code section 34-11-2-4. This statute states that Hoosiers have no more than two years to bring a record of their losses forward in civil court.
It is incredibly difficult to file a civil claim outside of an applicable statute of limitations. If you find yourself struggling with your deadline, let a Noblesville, IN, construction accident lawyer know. We can step in to manage the creation of your claim while you prioritize your rest and recovery.

Vaughan & Vaughan Advocates for Construction Accident Survivors
Lawyers tend to make your post-construction accident recovery all the more straightforward. You can turn to Vaughan & Vaughan for help at any time, whether you plan to go to trial or want help communicating your losses with an insurance provider. Our construction accident lawyers in Noblesville can help you protect your financial security at every turn.
We offer free case evaluations to construction accident survivors like you. You can contact us online or by phone today to book your first appointment with an experienced Indiana lawyer. Don’t let your case’s statute of limitations expire. Let Vaughan & Vaughan go to bat for you.