The Spaghetti Bowl around Indianapolis plays host to innumerable accidents, many involving more than two vehicles. Our multi-vehicle crash car accident lawyers in Indianapolis, IN, don’t want the complexities of these crashes to prevent you from recovering. That’s why we offer our legal services to survivors like you – so you can get the financial support you need to recover.
Indianapolis car accident lawyers have an extensive pool of experience to pull from when advocating for injured Hoosiers. Vaughan & Vaughan began serving Indiana families in 1913. Our efforts have helped survivors like you secure millions in damages. Let’s work together to get you the justice you deserve.
What to Know About Indiana’s Comparative Fault Act
Our Indianapolis personal injury attorneys know that Indiana’s Comparative Fault Act can complicate your recovery. While the Act makes it easier for you to hold multiple parties responsible for your losses, it can also open you up to counter-accusations of negligence.
On the surface, the Indiana Comparative Fault Act allows an attorney to assign each party involved in a multi-vehicle accident a percentage of fault for that crash. If you, as a survivor, choose to take legal action against the parties involved in your case, you can use those percentages to request fair compensation from each liable party.
However, the Indiana Comparative Fault Act also allows other parties to accuse you of fault for your crash. If you can’t argue against those accusations, Indiana’s civil courts can reduce the settlement you receive from liable parties by your alleged percentage of involvement in your accident.
The Comparative Fault Act’s Impact on Your Financial Recovery
Say you stand to recover $100,000 in damages after a serious multi-vehicle accident. If a liable party tries to argue that you contributed 20 percent of the fault to your accident, you must argue against your involvement. If you don’t, the state may reduce your $100,000 by 20 percent, dropping your final settlement to $80,000.
What’s more, the state only allows you to recover loss-based damages if you contributed less than 51 percent of the fault to your accident. If someone argues that you’re more than 51 percent liable for a multi-vehicle accident, you may lose your right to recover any loss-based damages.
Your Case Will Get
The Attention It Deserves

Indianapolis Multi-Vehicle Crash Car Accident Lawyers Advocate for You In and Out of Court
Whether you’re assigning blame to the parties responsible for your losses or arguing against accusations of fault, you need an experienced Indianapolis multi-vehicle crash car accident attorney on your side. Fortunately, our team can argue for your right to a fair settlement in or out of civil court.
You have the right to file an insurance claim with a liable party’s provider immediately following a multi-vehicle accident. However, insurance companies may try to minimize your losses through the use of bad-faith strategies like evidence withholding or ghosting. If you have an attorney on your side, you can minimize the impact those strategies have on your recovery.
Our team can also oversee any settlement negotiations you want to have with the parties responsible for your losses. If those out-of-court negotiations don’t go in your favor or become uncivil, we can prepare you to go to civil trial. There, we can represent you as you argue for your right to a fair settlement in front of a judge and jury.

There is no fee
unless you win
Let’s Calculate the Value of Your Multi-Vehicle Crash Car Accident Claim
Personal injury claims strive to put money in your hands after serious accidents. However, if you want to financially recover from a serious crash, you need to know the value of your case ahead of time.
Fortunately, you can work with an attorney to account for the economic and non-economic losses you sustained in an accident. We can then assign each of those losses a value based on their related bills or legal precedents. Our team has helped survivors like you recover damages based on losses like the following:
- Pain and suffering
- Emotional distress
- Reduced quality of life
- Lost opportunities to work
- Reduced income
- Emergency medical expenses, including ambulance fees
- Property damage, rentals, and restorations
If your multi-vehicle crash car accident case goes to civil trial, you may even stand to recover punitive damages. However, you may not include a request for punitive damages in your initial claim. Instead, Indiana judges may award punitive damages at their own discretion.

How to Streamline Your Multi-Vehicle Crash Car Accident Recovery
If you want to streamline your recovery after a car accident, our multi-vehicle crash car accident attorneys in Indianapolis recommend that you:
- Get the medical attention you need to recover from serious injuries as soon as possible
- Elect a representative to document the scene of your accident
- Contact an experienced attorney
- Discuss the pros and cons of filing an insurance claim with a negligent party’s provider
- Outline your right to a personal injury claim
Make sure you take action before Indiana’s personal injury statute of limitations expires. You only have two years to act on your losses. We recommend you contact an attorney sooner rather than later so you can make the most out of your filing timeline.

You Can Book a Free Case Consultation Today
Don’t let Indiana’s perspectives on comparative fault prevent you from recovering after a multi-vehicle crash car accident. Indianapolis attorneys can break down the influence state laws may have on your right to recover. We can then file a personal injury claim in your name, ensuring you have the right to bring your case for support to the attention of a civil court.
Vaughan & Vaughan makes Indiana’s civil statutes as approachable as possible, all while keeping you on top of your case’s relevant deadlines. Don’t let your right to file for support expire. You can book a free case evaluation with our legal team today.