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Indiana car accident lawyers discuss the plan & offer work zone driving tips
Travel on the northeast side of Indianapolis is undergoing a major change. A multi-year plan to improve traffic flow along the busy I-465 and I-69 corridor is underway.
A lot of people are excited about the upgrade but are not looking forward to driving in work zones, where the risk of getting into a bad car accident is higher.
Clear Path 465
The plan, “Clear Path 465,” will continue to alter travel along one of the state’s busiest interchanges into 2025. Construction is expected to affect I-465 from White River to Fall Creek Road and I-69 in the area of 82nd and 75th streets, extending to Binford Boulevard.
Officials say the plan will address the highway junction’s high-density, slow-moving traffic and bring down the high volume of crashes in the area. Currently, more than 100,000 vehicle trips pass through the interchange on an average day.
Clear Path 465 plans will:
- Add travel lanes
- Create new ramp lanes
- Build 14 new bridges (rehabilitate 2 bridges)
- Modify the interchange
- Replace pavement
Work on Clear Path 465 is expected to alter traffic not just on the highway, but nearby roadways, too. The 71st Street Trail, for example, will likely be closed for up to one year during bridge work. To mitigate a possible traffic nightmare, planners say they are coordinating with INDOT (Indiana Department of Transportation) with work being done on State Road 37 in Fishers and the North Split in Indy.
Driving safely: Detours and work zones
While the project will likely make roadways safer in Indianapolis, during construction, roadways are going to be more unpredictable and unfamiliar – two conditions that increase the risk of car accidents. There are ways to stay safe driving in construction zones and unfamiliar areas.
Driving in work zones
- If you can avoid it, don’t drive through a work zone.
- Give yourself extra time to get to your destination if you must pass through a work zone. Be patient.
- Pay attention to construction signage for important safety information and warnings for things like narrowing lanes, detours, and changing traffic patterns.
- Keep a safe distance on all sides of your vehicle and maintain a safe following distance. Rear-end collisions are the most common type of work zone crash, INDOT says.
- Be patient with flaggers, follow their directions, and obey their guidance.
- Do not text and drive or engage in otherwise distracting activities. Conditions in a work zone can change without notice.
- Do not speed.
Driving on unfamiliar roads
- Plan the route in advance. Having an understanding of where you’re going beforehand will help you prepare for what to expect on your trip.
- If you get lost and want to activate your GPS, pull over to use the equipment. It is not safe to drive and attempt to enter information manually into your GPS at the same time.
- Use turn signals well in advance. Unfamiliar roadways can be difficult to spot. Giving other drivers notice that you are going to slow down can go a long way.
- Avoid dangerous maneuvers. Missing an exit or detour sign is frustrating, but attempting to immediately correct the situation by cutting over lanes of traffic or making a U-turn increases the risk of a bad accident.
Talk to a car accident lawyer in Indiana today
Motorists are warned to proceed carefully through work zones, but it only takes one reckless driver to cause a crash that leaves you or someone you love severely injured. After you’ve suffered an injury in an accident that wasn’t your fault, you should see a doctor right away. Then, you need to talk to an experienced car accident lawyer about your legal rights and options so you don’t miss out on the compensation you need and deserve.
At Vaughan & Vaughan, we’ve been fighting for Indiana’s injured since 1913 and understand what it takes to get results. Our clients’ needs always come first, and since our firm’s founding over 100 years ago, our motto has remained the same: “It’s all about the client.”
Find out how we can help you. No upfront money is required for us to get started, and you pay no fees unless we win your case. For a free consultation with an experienced Indiana car accident attorney, contact us today. Our offices are located in Lafayette, Indianapolis, Carmel, Muncie, Kokomo, and Anderson.