The darkest time of the year is here. The roadways in greater Lafayette, Indiana can be difficult to navigate at night. And according to the National Safety Council (NSC), nighttime driving can be especially dangerous due to limited visibility and the risk of drowsy driving. These conditions can increase the likelihood of a car accident occurring.
Limited visibility
As the days get shorter, more drivers often find themselves driving in the dark in the evening. On average, the visibility range with regular use of headlights is 250 feet. This can shorten the reaction time and distance needed to prevent a crash. That range doubles to 500 feet with high-beams. However, using high-beams in the vicinity of other vehicles is prohibited and can actually increase the risk of a crash.
Age also plays a role in nighttime visibility. While a driver around the age of 30 may have adequate visibility, a driver at the age of 50 may require twice as much light to navigate the roads safely at night. Additionally, drivers age 60 and older may have diminished vision, particularly caused by cataracts and degenerative eye diseases.
NSC also reports that teen drivers are three times more likely to be involved in crashes at night due to lack of driving experience. Roughly 19 percent of all fatal traffic accidents involving drivers ages 15 to 17 happen between 6 and 9 p.m. For drivers ages 15 to 19, 18 percent of crashes usually happen between 9 p.m. and midnight.
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Fatigued driving
Shorter days can trick drivers’ circadian rhythms (the body’s natural clock) into releasing melatonin, increasing the risk of drowsy driving. According to the National Sleep Foundation, most drowsy driving accidents or near-crashes usually occur between midnight and 6 a.m., the peak dark hours.
According to a 2005 poll, roughly 60 percent of adult drivers admitted to driving while drowsy. Another 37 percent reported falling asleep at the wheel.
Injured in a nighttime crash? Contact our law firm today!
All road users in greater Lafayette are expected to drive with due care during the nighttime hours. Unfortunately, some drivers ignore the rules of the road and cause serious crashes. If you were injured in a car accident because another driver was tailgating, driving with his or her high-beams on, driving while drowsy, or engaging in any other type of negligent behavior, it’s important that you speak to an experienced auto accident attorney as soon as possible.
The knowledgeable and trusted legal team at Vaughan & Vaughan will work tirelessly to help you build a strong claim. That’s because we put your needs first.
Contact us today to schedule a free, no obligation case evaluation.