Monticello FedEx truck accident lawyers know all about the negligence that can lead to devastating accidents with out-of-control mail trucks. We want injured Hoosiers to exercise their rights to legal action after dangerous collisions.
Vaughan & Vaughan’s truck accident lawyers in Monticello have worked with Hoosier families since 1913. We know what tricks the defense can use to minimize your losses. Don’t let companies like FedEx use these bad-faith tactics to impact your recovery. Schedule a free case consultation with the lawyers who care before your statute of limitations expires.
The Sooner You Call a Monticello FedEx Truck Accident Lawyer, the Better
Companies like FedEx want to pay accident victims as little money as possible after serious accidents. Most of the time, the companies will send a representative to either offer victims a settlement on the scene or ask victims to meet with them out of court without representation.
You do not have to accept the first settlement agreement you receive. In fact, you shouldn’t. We always recommend that you schedule a case consultation with a Monticello personal injury lawyer to discuss any settlement offer you receive. If it doesn’t adequately address your losses, you can count on us to:
Work With Insurance Providers
Many insurance companies send adjusters to the scene of an accident involving a corporate vehicle faster than emergency services arrive. Insurance claims adjusters meet with victims to obtain statements about the nature of the accident and the victim’s alleged losses.
Insurance companies will then turn around and use a victim’s words against them, often to deny them the support they rightfully deserve. Some insurance companies may even hide or obscure evidence relevant to an accident to minimize your ability to meet the state’s burden of proof.
You don’t have to resign yourself to contending with an insurance company’s bad faith efforts on your own. You can ask FedEx truck accident attorneys in Monticello to interface with insurance companies on your behalf. Our experience navigating the complexities of insurance can preserve your right to fair compensation and keep doors open for legal action.
File a FedEx Truck Accident Claim in Your Name
If you don’t get the support you need from an insurance company, don’t panic. You can sue FedEx and its affiliates for damages based on your losses. So long as you file your claim for support within Indiana’s personal injury statute of limitations, you can either:
- Negotiate for the damages you need in private conversations with FedEx representatives or
- Take FedEx, its contractors, or other liable parties to civil court
This process requires you to provide Indiana’s civil courts with enough evidence to meet or exceed the state’s burden of proof. The data that plays the biggest role in your case may include the following:
- A FedEx truck’s black box data
- Physical debris
- Environmental damage
- Photos from before and after the accident
- Statements from witnesses
- Video footage of the accident
- Accident recreations
- Expert witness statements
Prevent FedEx From Minimizing Your Losses
You deserve compensation for all of the damages you endured as a result of the negligence involved in your FedEx truck accident. When you file an insurance claim, you stand to recover damages based on your economic losses, including your medical expenses, property damage, and lost wages.
Filing a personal injury claim allows you to recover damages based on both your economic and non-economic expenses. Our attorneys can determine the value of losses like your pain and suffering, emotional distress, and reduced quality of life. We can then make sure that liable parties honor those values in settlement negotiations – or in court.
Your Case Will Get
The Attention It Deserves

We Don’t Let Contracts Muddle Your Recovery
Your right to hold bad actors liable for your losses hinges on what evidence of fault you can bring forward when submitting your claim. However, FedEx can use contracts to distance itself from the liability it would take on for causing an accident.
If you get hit by an independent contractor working with FedEx, that contract protects FedEx from legal action. In other words, you may still sue an individual driver for your losses, but you can’t sue FedEx.
However, if a FedEx employee hits you, you may have the right to take legal action against the corporation. You can work with Vaughan & Vaughan to determine how the contracts involved in your case might impact your right to recover from serious losses.

There is no fee
unless you win
Going to Trial or Settling During Negotiations
Filing a claim against FedEx or its truck drivers isn’t the same thing as committing to a prolonged trial. In fact, you don’t have to go to trial at all to get the financial support you deserve. Working with a Monticello FedEx truck accident attorney allows you to either negotiate for your desired settlement or take your claim to trial.
Even if your case goes to trial, an experienced attorney can keep lines of communication open between you and the defense. The defense can reach out to you with a settlement offer up until the time comes for the court to debate the evidence you’ve presented.
With that in mind, there’s no need to let your concerns about a trial prevent you from filing a FedEx truck accident claim. Our attorneys will discuss the legal options that might best help you recover accident damages during your free case consultation.

Your FedEx Truck Accident Case Consultation Comes Free of Charge
FedEx does not have a free pass to hire negligent drivers. If a company driver causes a dangerous accident, you, as a victim, have the right to hold the driver, FedEx, and affiliated parties responsible for your recovery. Our FedEx truck accident attorneys in Monticello, IN, can help you get the job done.
You can book a free case consultation with Vaughan & Vaughan’s team within hours of your initial crash. Don’t let Indiana’s personal injury statute of limitations limit your right to recover accident damages. It’s time to work with the Hoosiers who’ll advocate for you.