It’s difficult to drive a postal truck. Drivers affiliated with FedEx often have to navigate complex neighborhoods while carefully maneuvering larger-than-average vehicles. The difficulty of the job doesn’t excuse negligence on the road, though, nor does it offer blanket forgiveness to FedEx drivers who cause serious accidents.
You have the right to meet with an Evansville FedEx truck accident lawyer after an accident to discuss how to hold these parties accountable for your losses. An Evansville truck accident lawyer can help you file an insurance claim or bring your losses to the attention of a judge. You can book a free case evaluation with Vaughan & Vaughan today to learn more about the support you deserve.
Your Road to Recovery After a FedEx Truck Accident
FedEx trucks are sizable, meaning they can cause considerable damage to private vehicles, pedestrians, and bicyclists. If a FedEx driver puts you in harm’s way with their truck, you may find yourself dealing with substantial medical fees on top of the cost of replacing your damaged property. If you can’t go to work, you may also face a wage cut.
How do you get back on your feet if you’re dealing with this kind of financial strain? You have the right to file a personal injury claim against the offending driver. Your claim can outline the negligence that led to your accident as well as the damages you want to supplement your losses.
You do not have to go before a judge and jury to get the compensation you need to recover. So long as you and a personal injury lawyer in Evansville establish your right to a case before your statute of limitations expires, you can settle out-of-court.
When to Talk to Insurance Claims Adjusters
You may also have the opportunity to request financial support from the insurance providers that work with FedEx. FedEx may offer coverage to its on-the-clock employees and thus allow you to apply for a settlement after a crash.
However, make sure you assess an insurance provider’s settlement offer with considerable care. Insurance claims adjusters working for bigger companies like FedEx may cut corners to save themselves money. You can call a FedEx truck accident attorney in Evansville to help you break down an offer and challenge it if necessary.
Vaughan & Vaughan can also help you appeal a denied claim if an insurance provider acts in bad faith and refuses to offer you support.
Your Case Will Get
The Attention It Deserves
How to Establish Liability in a FedEx Truck Accident Case
You cannot file a personal injury claim against FedEx or its drivers unless you have evidence of those parties’ negligence. Proving negligence in a FedEx truck accident case requires you to gather enough evidence to meet Indiana’s burden of proof. Evidence of a specific party’s negligence may include the following:
- Electronic evidence from the FedEx truck
- Cell phone or app data
- Video footage of the accident from a dash cam or streetlight
- Statements from witnesses
- Expert witness testimony
You should also account for the role relevant contracts may play in your FedEx truck accident case. If you get into an accident with one of FedEx’s independent contractors, you may not have the right to sue the corporation. You may, however, sue the individual driver. You can work with us to determine how specific contracts may redirect liability during a free case consultation.
There is no fee
unless you win
How to Estimate Due Damages When Filing Your Claim
If you want to request comprehensive financial coverage for the losses you endured in a FedEx truck accident, you need to know the dollar value of relevant economic and non-economic losses. The losses our personal injury lawyers can most often integrate into a client’s commercial truck accident claim can include the following:
- Ambulance fees
- Emergency medical care
- Long-term healthcare and pain management
- Lost wages
- Property damage and restoration
- Emotional distress
- Pain and suffering
The damages you receive from a FedEx truck accident claim should reflect the unique value of the losses you endured due to someone else’s negligence. You can count on our team to continually advocate for your right to maximize the damages you receive after a traumatic crash.
When to Bring a FedEx Truck Accident Claim Forward
Indiana Code section 34-11-2-4 serves as the Hoosier state’s personal injury statute of limitations. According to this statute, all personal injury claims must reach a civil judge within two years of their named accident if an injured party wants to move the case forward.
This means that your FedEx truck accident claim must reach a civil judge by the second anniversary of your accident. Judges often throw out cases submitted after a relevant statute of limitations expires.
How can you stay on top of your filing deadline? When in doubt, work with an experienced FedEx truck accident lawyer in Evansville. We can prioritize an analysis of your case while you prioritize your health and financial well-being.
Call Vaughan & Vaughan Today to Speak With an Evansville FedEx Truck Accident Lawyer
FedEx drivers are obligated to not only protect your packages but also to protect you on the road.
If an on-duty FedEx driver injures you, you have the right to file a civil claim against the driver or, in some cases, FedEx. Truck accident lawyers in Evansville can help you stay one step ahead of bad-faith insurance claims adjusters and corporate overheads who may try to deny you your right to legal action.
You can book a FREE truck accident case evaluation with Vaughan & Vaughan today to learn more about your right to financial support.