Vaughan & Vaughan has helped people in Indiana seek compensation for injuries since 1913. We’ve won many cases involving TBIs, from a mild concussions to fatal brain injuries. So we know how devastating these injuries can be to your well-being.
Winning a lawsuit or an insurance claim against whoever caused your TBI can dramatically improve your quality of life. You can use the money to get the care you need and to support you and your family while you recover. Get started by calling our personal injury lawyers in West Lafayette, Indiana, for a free consultation.
Why Hiring a TBI Lawyer Can Help You
The costs of a traumatic brain injury can be more than you and your family can bear. Brain injuries, even mild ones, can leave you with expensive medical bills and leave you unable to work. The law allows you to hold negligent people who harm you accountable through a lawsuit or an insurance claim. To explore your legal options and seek the compensation you deserve, consult with an experienced Indiana Personal Injury Lawyer today.
A West Lafayette traumatic brain injury lawyer is your best ally if you proceed with a compensation claim. They can handle the entire process for you while you process what has happened and how your life has changed. We’ll help you with:
- Investigating what caused your head injury and how it happened
- Identifying all the responsible parties
- Calculating the value of your damages
- Legal advice on how to avoid harm to your claim and get the care you need
- Speaking with experts to bolster the strength of your case
- Compiling all the evidence into a case the insurers cannot ignore
- Negotiate for the full value of your case
- Take your claim to trial if we cannot reach a fair settlement
Your Case Will Get
The Attention It Deserves
Why do TBI Cases Settle for So Much Money?
The settlements for traumatic brain injury cases are often higher than the average. That’s because the long-term consequences of TBI can be so damaging and long-lasting. It’s rare for a TBI to heal completely because the brain heals slowly and never quite the same way it was before.
You may need to undergo a lot of therapy or long-term care to adjust to the way your brain functions now. TBI can affect your ability to move, reason, behave, learn, and sense the world around you. It dramatically changes how you can live your life and how others can relate to you.
The amount of compensation necessary to cover these problems can be incredibly high, which is why the insurers will fight hard to get you to settle for less. Don’t let whoever harmed you get away with it. Get an experienced West Lafayette TBI lawyer on your side by contacting Vaughn & Vaughan. We’ll help you get the amount you truly deserve.
There is no fee
unless you win
Winning a Traumatic Brain Injury Case
People who cause traumatic brain injuries are liable due to neglect or deliberate action. Some TBIs happen because of crime, like a shooting or a shaken baby. Others happen because someone did something that put you at risk. Our attorneys can help you in either situation.
To prove negligence, we need to prove that whoever harmed you committed an unreasonable action that caused your accident and your injury. We do this by performing a thorough investigation of what happened, compiling all the evidence, and building a solid case that meets the legal requirements for negligence.
Once the insurance companies know that you have a solid case that demands compensation, they’ll be forced to pay what your case is truly worth. We will negotiate fiercely with them to ensure we come to a fair settlement, not a poor one that benefits the insurer.
Damages in TBI Cases
Damages are the things you’ve suffered because of your accident that you want redressed through your case. The damages you can claim depend on what happened to you and how it has affected your life. Proving your damages and their value is a key task of our West Lafayette traumatic brain injury lawyers.
Among the many damages you could be eligible to receive, you could get payment for:
- Past and future medical bills, including medications, surgery, specialist visits, medical equipment, long-term care, transportation to doctors, and more.
- Lost wages and lost potential income, including missed retirement income.
- Property damage
- Wrongful death damages, should a loved one die because of a TBI.
- Pain and suffering
- Mental anguish
- Loss of consortium
- Loss of enjoyment of life
A court may also decide to award punitive damages if your case involved gross negligence. Punitive damages are extra money awarded to plaintiffs as a punishment against defendants who are especially negligent. Our team can argue for these if we believe your case qualifies.
What If I’m Too Damaged to Make a Consultation?
The aftermath of a traumatic brain injury could leave you too damaged to hold a conversation or think straight. Don’t worry; a loved one can call on your behalf to set up the consultation. We can also ask the court to appoint someone to represent your interests during your case, if necessary.
If you need a guardian appointed for your claim, this will make your case take longer, so it’s important to contact us right away if you’re in this situation. We have helped many families with victims too damaged by their injuries to work with us directly, so please reach out. The money you get can help your loved one recover.
Contact Our West Lafayette Traumatic Brain Injury Lawyers Today
Get in touch with a traumatic brain injury lawyer right away once you’ve been diagnosed. You have a limited amount of time to start a claim before your chance at compensation is gone. We can review your case, tell you if you have one, and how we can help you get compensation.
To get started with a free case evaluation and consultation, call Vaughan & Vaughan or email us through our contact page. Your consultation is free, confidential, and without obligation. Put our century of experience to work for you so the insurance companies won’t take advantage of you.