The emotional, physical, and financial toll of a spinal cord injury can be devastating. Depending on the severity of the injury, the person may have temporary or permanent paralysis. However, you do not have to face this challenging and uncertain time in your life alone.
A Frankfort personal injury lawyer can help you better understand your legal options, listen to your concerns, and help you take the necessary steps to recover financially.
A Frankfort spinal cord injury attorney with Vaughan & Vaughan can build your case and fight to maximize your compensation while allowing you to concentrate on your physical and psychological healing.
We Fight for Accident Victims With Paralysis and Spinal Cord Injuries
Some of the unique challenges associated with spinal cord injury cases include the high cost of medical care and rehabilitation, the difficulty in obtaining adequate compensation from insurance companies, and the emotional and psychological trauma that victims often experience.
Additionally, spinal cord injuries can often lead to long-term disability. Victims are forced to adjust to a new lifestyle and cope with the associated financial costs. It is critical to have a lawyer who is experienced in handling such cases to protect their right to claim damages in their case.
A Frankfort spinal cord injury lawyer with Vaughan & Vaughan can help you through the legal challenges and be your advocate at this difficult time. We can handle the claims process and take the burden of dealing with the insurance company and other legal matters off your plate.
Your Case Will Get
TheĀ Attention It Deserves

Negligence Often Causes Spinal Cord Injuries
Some common causes of spinal cord injuries include car accidents, falls, violence, and sports injuries. Additionally, medical malpractice and hazardous working conditions can also lead to spinal cord injuries.
It is important for victims to seek legal advice if they believe that their injury was caused by another party’s negligence or recklessness.
If you think someone else was responsible for your SCI, you might be entitled to financial compensation from the responsible party. Your SCI’s root cause can be determined with the assistance of a personal injury attorney.

There is no fee
unless you win
Spinal Cord Injuries Can Vary in Severity
Spinal cord injuries can vary in severity and cause a range of disabilities. A cervical spine injury can be fatal and cause permanent paralysis from the neck down (quadriplegia).
Thoracic spine injuries can cause paraplegia, hemiplegia, or triplegia, while lumbar spine injuries usually cause paraplegia and bladder/bowel control issues.
Sacral spine injuries may cause a partial loss of function in the lower body, but the patient will likely still be able to walk. The higher up the injury occurs on the spinal cord, the worse its effects on the patient will be. The patient’s strength and the injury’s severity can determine the patient’s prognosis.

Do I Need an Attorney After a Spinal Cord Injury?
Many people believe that the only options available to them are those the insurance company provides, but that is not usually the case. You are not required to accept a settlement offer from the insurance company, and you can seek help from an attorney.
It is not uncommon for the settlement offered by insurance adjusters to fall well short of what is needed to meet the costs associated with a catastrophic injury.
A catastrophic injury lawyer in Frankfort will also offer the following additional services:
- Throughout the legal procedure, respond to any questions and offer counsel
- Compile and present well-researched damage claims
- To ensure the accuracy of damages in your case, we may consult with medical professionals, financial professionals, and healthcare planners
- If necessary, seek out and retain the services of credible expert witnesses to testify on your behalf
- Manage all interactions with opposing counsel and insurance company representatives
- Compile and evaluate all evidence that is relevant to your claim
- Submit legal documentation on time to protect your case
- Prepare the case for trial and represent you in court
A catastrophic injury claim demands financial resources, experience, and legal knowledge to take on the legal teams of several defendants and organizations. A lawyer with experience in spinal cord injury cases will be equipped to handle cases of this magnitude.

Damages in a Spinal Cord Injury Case
The accident victims and their families will have to make lasting adjustments to their lifestyles, and they will need access to financial resources to cover the high cost of treatment and ongoing care.
It’s very important to ensure that you seek the maximum compensatory damages for your claim. Your spinal cord injury lawyer in Frankfort may seek the following damages on your behalf:
The following losses may be pursued by your lawyer on your behalf:
- Rehabilitation-related costs
- Pain and suffering
- Loss of enjoyment
- Loss of consortium
- Any necessary specialized medical equipment
- Costs for home nursing aid or healthcare worker
- The medical expenses incurred as a result of the accident
- Future earning potential lost as a result of accident-related injuries
- Costs associated with making one’s home and vehicle accessible to a person with mobility limitations
In the event of a catastrophic accident that has severely diminished the victim’s quality of life, pain and suffering damages may constitute a considerable amount of the total award for damages. You can imagine how quickly the costs of a spinal cord injury lawsuit can spiral out of control.
You are likely to become involved in a serious claim or lawsuit. A lawyer with experience in complex spinal injury cases will know how to proceed and fight for you.
Contact an Accident Injury Law Firm in Frankfort About Your Spinal Cord Injury Claim
An impaired driver, an inept surgeon, a careless property owner, or a criminal could be responsible for your injuries. However, you may be unaware of all the variables at play in your case.
A spinal cord injury lawyer in Frankfort can identify all potentially liable parties to help you get the most money possible. At Vaughan and Vaughan, we negotiate aggressively and have decades of combined experience with catastrophic and personal injury claims.
Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you with your claim.