A spinal cord injury is a devastating condition frequently brought on by the carelessness or recklessness of another person. If you or a loved one has suffered a spinal cord injury, you may be able to file a claim for compensation and pursue legal action against the entity responsible.
We are familiar with the life-altering adjustments that victims must make as they try to move forward. The costs are astounding, and you need a lawyer who can maximize the compensation you recover to ensure you have the financial resources you will need for a lifetime of care.
The spinal cord injury lawyers of Vaughan & Vaughan have successfully represented catastrophic injury victims for decades, resulting in millions of dollars in verdicts and settlements for our clients. You don’t have to deal with this alone or settle for less. We may be able to help you.
Causes of Spinal Cord Injuries
Some of the common causes of spinal cord damage are rooted in carelessness, negligence, or intentional violence. When another party is responsible for causing your injuries, a spinal cord injury lawyer in Crawford can help you build a case and hold the liable party accountable.
Here are some spinal cord injury causes and statistics:
- Nearly half of all new spinal cord injury cases each year in the United States result from motor vehicle accidents.
- More than 15% of all spinal cord injuries are caused by slip and falls, and these accidents primarily affect adults over the age of 65.
- Spinal cords can be severely injured by a variety of violent means, including gunshot wounds. About 1 in every 12 spinal cord injuries is the result of an act of violence.
- Roughly 10% of all spinal cord injuries occur during sports and other recreational activities. High-impact sports come with a very high risk.
- Many accidents have a direct link to impaired judgment. Alcohol is a factor in around one-quarter of all spinal cord injuries.
Spinal cord injuries can also be more likely to occur in dangerous workplaces such as construction sites. Falls from height, scaffolding falls, or ladder accidents can all cause spinal cord damage.
Your Case Will Get
TheĀ Attention It Deserves

Spinal Cord Injuries We Handle
Although paralysis below the neck and amputation of all limbs are the most common outcomes of spinal cord injuries (SCI), a Crawfordsville spinal cord injury lawyer can assist clients with other types of spinal damage, such as:
- Paralysis: the temporary or permanent inability to move all or part of the body.
- Hemiplegia: Weakness or loss of the ability to move one’s left or right side.
- Paraplegia: Loss of the capacity to move one’s lower body
- Monoplegia: Loss of the capacity to move one limb or area of the body
- Quadriplegia: Loss of movement in all limbs
- Cervical SCI: Injury of the upper portion of the spine, which includes the neck and the area beneath it.
- Thoracic SCI: those that occur in the middle of the spine and can affect the left or right sides of the body
- Lumbar SCI: The majority of injuries to this area are not life-threatening and frequently result in weakness that can be corrected over time.
- Sacral SCI: These are the most serious of all spinal cord injuries and damage to the end of the spine that affects the bottom half of the body.
- Herniated discs: The displacement of the disc that separates the spine from other backbones is known as a ruptured or herniated disc, and if left untreated, it can cause permanent nerve damage.
- Degenerative disc disease: A condition of the discs between the vertebrae that results in loss of cushioning, fragmentation, and herniation is known as degenerative disc disease. This disease, which increases a person’s susceptibility to severe spinal cord injury, can result from severe spinal trauma.

There is no fee
unless you win
How Our Lawyers Can Help with Your Claim
Our Crawfordsville spinal cord injury attorneys have decades of experience between them, giving them the investigative and medical know-how necessary to win cases.
By working with us, you may have a better chance of successfully obtaining the compensation you are entitled to. In the course of your claim, your Crawfordsville personal injury lawyer will:
- Investigate and evaluate the circumstances surrounding your injury
- Identify the persons or entities accountable for your injuries
- Thoroughly calculate the costs of your injury and your losses
- Gather evidence and build a claim to prove negligence against the relevant parties
- Demonstrate that your harm was a direct result of the defendant’s activities
- Consult medical professionals who can attest that the defendant is to blame for your disabilities, such as doctors and orthopedic and neurological surgeons
- Interview witnesses who were present when the incident happened and learn who can, if necessary, be utilized to support your claim in court
- manage all correspondence and contact with the insurance provider or responsible party
- Make the claims process and any other legal procedure as simple as possible for our clients
- Build a solid case and represent you in court

A Spinal Cord Injury Attorney Will Fight to Recover the Maximum Compensation in Your Claim
In addition to the severe physical damage, victims of paraplegia or other manifestations of a spinal injury can incur enormous medical bills—on average, $500,000 in the first year and $70,000 for each year thereafter.
Because of their inability to work, sufferers will have a hard time affording the extensive medical care they’ll need to rehabilitate.
You may be able to get the money you need to cover your expenses and provide you some measure of comfort by submitting a claim with your insurance provider or against the individual who caused your accident.
If you work with a lawyer, he or she may be able to help you get compensation for the following:
- All accident-related medical expenses
- Ongoing treatment and rehabilitation costs
- The cost of home health care attendants
- Essential medical equipment
- Potential income lost as a result of accident-related injuries
- Costs associated with making one’s home and vehicle accessible to a person with mobility limitations
- Non-economic damages like pain and suffering, loss of consortium, and emotional trauma
Damages for pain and suffering can be substantial after a catastrophic injury that has left the victim with a severely diminished quality of life. Your spinal cord injury lawyer in Crawford will work to convey to the jury the significant impact you face.

Contact a Spinal Cord Injury Law Firm in Crawfordsville, Indiana
Each client is unique, and at Vaughan & Vaughan, we take the time to learn about the individual and how their accident has changed their life. We know how difficult catastrophic injury cases can be, and we’ll give your case the individualized attention it deserves.
Contact us today for more information and a free consultation to discuss your legal options.