You don’t have to struggle to get back on your feet after a slip and fall accident. South Bend attorneys can help you explore the legal avenues available to you after a negligence-based accident. Those efforts can help you secure the financial support you need to pay your accident-related bills.
Our personal injury lawyers in South Bend bring decades of experience to your pursuit of compensation. We break down the civil process so that it’s as easy as possible for you to fight for a fair settlement following an avoidable accident. You can contact us today to book a FREE case evaluation with our legal team.
How to Recover from a Slip and Fall Accident
Your road to recovery will change depending on your daily needs and personal limitations. There are some concrete steps you can take to make that recovery more straightforward – and less financially stressful. Our South Bend slip and fall lawyers recommend that you:
Take Your Injuries Seriously
Slip and fall injuries don’t always immediately make themselves known. Even if you think you come away from one of these accidents unscathed, consider booking an appointment with your general practitioner as soon as possible. These professionals can help identify slow-developing injuries and protect your health in the long term.
If you’re taken from the scene by emergency responders, make sure you let your general practitioner know about your new injuries. Consider asking your emergency responders for a written record of your condition, too. You may later have the opportunity to use that record or testimony as evidence of the severity of your losses.
Talk With an Insurance Provider
The landowner responsible for your accident likely has some kind of insurance protecting them from the financial fallout related to your accident. This is good news for you, as it gives you the chance to file an insurance claim shortly after your accident. A provider that acknowledges the severity of your losses can help you cover your most pressing expenses.
That said, insurance claims adjusters don’t always take slip and fall accidents seriously. Claims adjusters often go to extremes to avoid paying for an injured party’s recovery, sometimes minimizing your losses past the point of reason. Others may recommend that an insurer outright deny your claim.
Both of these behaviors fall under the broader umbrella of bad faith conduct. If you find yourself struggling to get an insurance provider to cooperate with you, let a personal injury lawyer know. Vaughan & Vaughan can step in and make a provider acknowledge its responsibility to you.
Schedule a Case Evaluation With a Personal Injury Lawyer
You are not obligated to assume legal action against a landowner or another liable party after a slip and fall accident. That said, Indiana’s civil court system can help you secure the financial support you need to maintain your financial security throughout your recovery.
Filing a personal injury claim does require some investigative work, but you don’t have to do the bulk of the legwork. Our attorneys can step in and manage your case while you prioritize your health and go back to work. You don’t even have to go to court to get the compensation you deserve. Our team can arrange out-of-court slip and fall settlement negotiations on your behalf.
Want to learn more? You can book a FREE, no-obligation case evaluation with Vaughan & Vaughan today.
Your Case Will Get
TheĀ Attention It Deserves

How to Ask for Comprehensive Slip and Fall Compensation
There are a few different ways you can ask for the accident compensation you deserve. As mentioned, you can file an insurance claim and hope that a claim adjuster acknowledges the severity of your losses. If you file a personal injury claim, you can either negotiate for the support you deserve or request a bench or jury trial.
Negotiating for a slip and fall accident settlement puts you in the same room as the party liable for your losses. Negotiations tend to resolve faster than civil trials because they take the middleman – a judge and jury – out of the equation. You may have to compromise when asking for certain damages, though, if you want negotiations to resolve.
Slip and fall civil trials can take a considerable amount of time to resolve, but they allow you to put some distance between yourself and a liable party. You may also receive punitive damages for your losses if you choose to go to trial.

There is no fee
unless you win
When to Bring a Slip and Fall Accident Claim Forward
According to Indiana Code section 34-11-2-4, you must bring a slip and fall accident claim forward within two years of your accident. If you miss your filing deadline, Indiana courts can waive your right to slip and fall accident support.

Let South Bend Slip and Fall Attorneys Defend Your Best Interests
Property owners throughout South Bend and the surrounding areas owe you a duty of care. These parties must look out for you while you’re on their land. If they don’t, you can slip and fall on dangerous materials. A slip and fall accident can leave you permanently disabled or unable to return to work for a considerable amount of time.
Fortunately, you have the law on your side. You can work with a South Bend slip and fall accident lawyer to hold a negligent party financially accountable for your recovery. Contact us today to book your FREE personal injury case evaluation.