I-90 takes Hoosiers the entire way through northern Indiana, with stops near South Bend’s greatest asset: Notre Dame. That said, most locals know I-90 under a less flattering title: the toll road. The toll road poses a danger to more than a Hoosier’s wallet. Toll road accidents can leave you with complicated injuries and compounded bills.
How do you get justice after a toll road accident? When in doubt, call a South Bend Interstate I-90 crash lawyer. Vaughan & Vaughan can walk you through the process of challenging overwrought roadway fees while holding a negligent party accountable for your losses.
Your first case consultation with our South Bend interstate accident lawyers comes free of charge. Reach out to book an appointment today.
When to Take Action Against a Negligent Driver
If you want to work with a South Bend personal injury lawyer to take legal action against a negligent driver, you need to act within Indiana’s personal injury statute of limitations.
The state outlines its statute of limitations in Indiana Code section 34-11-2-4. Here, you can find that the Hoosier state allows you to take up to two years to bring together the evidence you need to hold a negligent party accountable for your losses.
That may not seem like a lot of time if you’re contending with injuries that make it difficult for you to meet your daily needs. If you find yourself struggling to conduct an investigation, you can call on South Bend personal injury attorneys to help you manage your case.
Our team has years of experience independently operating in an investigation into a personal injury accident like an Interstate I-90 crash. We can keep you up to date on your case’s progress without introducing additional stress into your life. Our efforts can help you file your claim before your statute of limitations expires, preserving your right to fight for compensation.
Your Case Will Get
TheĀ Attention It Deserves

Evidence Establishes Your Right to a Personal Injury Claim
Before you can bring a claim to a judge’s attention, you need to collect the evidence necessary to prove that a negligent party not only owed you a duty of care but also violated that duty. The evidence you use to make this point will vary depending on the specific nature of your I-90 crash.
For example, if you get into an accident with a semi-truck, that truck’s Black Box data may prove essential to your case. You may also rely on video footage of the accident, before and after photos, and input from medical professionals who assessed your accident-related injuries.
Our team can also pull a police report speculating on the nature of accident fault as well as expert testimony from our professional network. These efforts can make it easier for you to argue that a specific party now owes you financial support based on the losses you endured as a result of their negligence.

There is no fee
unless you win
You Deserve Comprehensive Support After an Interstate I-90 Accident
The support you ask for in an Interstate I-90 accident claim should comprehensively encompass your economic and non-economic losses. It’s not always easy to determine which of these losses to include in your claim, though. More often than not, you can only include losses that you can tie directly back to a negligent party’s misconduct.
The process of proving the value of economic losses can see you pull invoices, Medical bills, and mechanic fees, among other bills, to prove the value of losses specifically stemming from your accident. Unlike economic losses, though, non-economic losses like emotional distress and pain and suffering do not generate a paper trail.
That doesn’t mean that you can’t include these losses in your request for compensation. Instead, our Interstate I-90 crash attorneys in South Bend can use precedent and years of experience to determine the value of these expenses. You can bring any questions you may have about our calculations forward in a free case evaluation.
How to Fight for Accident Compensation
You are not obligated to go to trial if you want to try and win compensation for Interstate I-90 accident losses. If a negligent party recognizes that their misconduct resulted in your accident, they may agree to meet with you for out-of-court settlement negotiations.
We recommend having an attorney present for these negotiations so that a professional can mediate your conversation and keep discussions surrounding financial support civil. If the liable party refuses to acknowledge their role in your accident or will not agree to provide you with certain forms of financial support, you may have to transition out of negotiations and into a trial.
Our team can prepare you for the trial process by walking you through discovery, opening statements, examination, and cross-examination. We can also let you know whether it’s in your best interest to pursue arbitration, a bench trial, or a jury trial.
You can count on our team to explain the complexities of this process before and as it takes place to ensure your peace of mind.
Should You File an Insurance Claim When You File an Interstate I-90 Crash Claim?
If the party responsible for your I-90 accident has insurance, you may have the right to file a claim with their provider. That claim may get you the financial support you need to contend with your most pressing injuries. That said, insurance claims Adjusters in Indiana do not have your best interest at heart when working for another party.
You may find yourself contending with an insurance provider’s bad faith behavior in the weeks or months following an accident. If an insurance provider continually attempts to minimize your losses or denies your car accident claim outright, let our Interstate I-90 accident lawyers in South Bend know.
We can hold an insurance claims adjuster and insurance provider accountable for that misconduct privately or in civil court.

Get In Touch With South Bend Attorneys ASAP
Interstate I-90 accidents make it easy to dread opening your email or stepping out to the mailbox. It’s hard to predict what new bill you’ll find waiting for you. If you’re tired of paying for someone else’s mistake, don’t wait to take action. Let the Interstate I-90 crash lawyers in South Bend help you fight for comprehensive accident compensation.
Vaughan & Vaughan offers civil representation on contingency, ensuring that you can take legal action against a negligent party without incurring more financial stress. If you’re ready to learn more about the different ways we can help you get your life back on track, reach out and book a FREE case assessment with our team today.