Getting your life back on track after a catastrophic injury accident can prove challenging, but it doesn’t have to be impossible. If you find yourself facing a mountain of bills on top of new physical limitations, call on Brownsburg’s catastrophic injury lawyers for help. Our team can give you the tools you need to take the party liable for your losses to civil court.
Brownsburg personal injury lawyers can help you fight for the fair compensation you deserve in the wake of a negligence-based accident. What’s more, our attorneys work on contingency. That means you only have to pay for Vaughan & Vaughan’s legal representation if we win your case. We do everything in our power to avoid complicating your strained financial situation.
Are you ready to learn more about your right to go to civil court? Contact our catastrophic injury attorneys today.
How to Get Your Life Back After a Catastrophic Injury
Catastrophic injuries can temporarily or permanently change the way you live your life. If you find yourself contending with new disabilities or limitations, you may have to adapt accordingly. That said, there are also steps you can take to minimize an accident’s impact on your financial health. These include the following:
Prepare for a Long Medical Process
Catastrophic injuries can require a lot of professional attention. Be prepared to undergo a lengthy recovery process. Fortunately, there are several medical professionals, including emergency responders, who can help you get back on your feet again.
The benefits of working with professionals are two-fold. First and foremost, you get to restore your health and learn how to live with the aftermath of a catastrophic injury. You additionally get to put the extent of your losses down on paper.
Should you choose to take legal action against the party responsible for your losses, you can refer to professionals’ assessments of your health when describing the severity of your losses.
Outline Your Right to Action
Once you’re back on your feet after a catastrophic injury, you can decide how you want to take action against the party responsible for your losses. You have a few different options available to you. You can, for example, take the offending party to civil court. You can alternatively negotiate for the settlement you deserve out of court.
You may even have the right to bring an insurance claim to the negligent party’s provider.
It’s easy to get overwhelmed by all of these options. Fortunately, you don’t have to brainstorm your best course of action alone. You can meet with a Brownsburg, IN, catastrophic injury lawyer for a no-cost case evaluation. Our team can then recommend your best course of action free of charge.
Your Case Will Get
The Attention It Deserves

Insurance Providers Versus Indiana’s Civil Court: How to Get Fair Compensation
Should you take an insurance claim up with a liable party’s provider, make sure an insurance claims adjuster takes your losses seriously. Many insurance claims adjusters try to minimize the losses that appear in a catastrophic injury claim in an effort to save their employers’ money.
If you find yourself struggling to address an insurance provider’s bad faith behavior, get a catastrophic injury lawyer on the scene. Our team can outline the nature of your losses and make sure that a provider takes those losses seriously. We can even help you appeal a denied catastrophic injury claim should a provider refuse to acknowledge your case.

There is no fee
unless you win
How to Compose a Catastrophic Injury Claim for Indiana’s Civil Courts
As mentioned, you may have the right to bring your catastrophic injury losses to the attention of Indiana’s civil judges. Should you choose to do so, you need to file a personal injury claim. Your claim needs to:
- Identify the party responsible for your catastrophic injury accident
- Outline the negligence that caused your accident
- Provide evidence connecting the named party to your accident
- Outline the value of your accident-related losses
- Present the court with evidence of those losses’ value
- Demand fair and comprehensive compensation for your losses
You have an obligation to meet the state’s burden of proof if you want a judge to move your case forward. You can work with an attorney to revisit your accident scene and bring together the data you need to make your case as compelling as possible.
Make Sure to File Your Catastrophic Injury Claim On Time
You have a limited amount of time to bring a catastrophic injury to the attention of Indiana’s civil courts. Indiana Code section 34-11-2-4 gives you no more than two years to file your claim. You cannot, unfortunately, file a catastrophic injury claim after your statute of limitations expires unless you qualify for certain exceptions.
The good news is that when you work with an experienced Brownsburg catastrophic injury lawyer, you can better stay on top of your relevant filing deadline. Vaughan & Vaughan can help you make the most of the time allotted for your investigation without compromising your right to a case.

Brownsburg Catastrophic Injury Lawyers Can Fight for You
Most catastrophic injury accidents in Indiana stem from someone else’s negligence. It’s not fair that the party responsible for your injuries gets to walk away from your accident while you suffer the consequences of their misconduct. Take action. Get in touch with the catastrophic injury lawyers in Brownsburg, IN, to learn more about the right you have to take a liable party to court.
Vaughan & Vaughan can connect you with an experienced attorney who can represent your best interests in and out of court. We continually fight for our clients’ right to fair and comprehensive accident compensation. You can contact us online or by phone to book your FREE personal injury case evaluation today.