You have the right to loss-based compensation after a bus accident. Fort Wayne bus accident lawyers can help you demand the financial support you deserve from a liable party. Whether you want to go to trial or negotiate for the funds you deserve, you can count on Vaughan & Vaughan to represent your best interests.
Our personal injury lawyers in Fort Wayne bring decades of legal know-how to your fight for justice. You can trust our team to prioritize your financial well-being by investigating your accident, gathering evidence essential to your case, and advocating for your right to maximize support. Contact us today to learn more.
Should You Take Legal Action After a Bus Accident?
You have the right to take legal action against another party after a bus accident. If you want to open a civil case, though, you need to prove that another party:
- Owed you a duty of care
- Violated that duty through avoidable negligence
- Caused you to endure economic strife
While you can file an insurance claim requesting support, personal injury claims allow you to recover financial aid based on your economic and non-economic bus accident expenses. You may have the option to pursue both claims at once if doing so is to your financial benefit.
If you decide to take civil action against an offending party, you need to act within the two years allotted by Indiana’s personal injury statute of limitations. It’s difficult for Fort Wayne bus accident attorneys to help you secure financial aid after this deadline passes.
Fortunately, you can contact Vaughan & Vaughan within hours of your initial crash. Our Fort Wayne bus accident lawyers can protect you from bad faith insurance tactics as well as a liable party’s attempts to minimize your right to recover.
Your Case Will Get
The Attention It Deserves
Who Can You Hold Accountable for a Fort Wayne Bus Accident?
Your right to hold certain parties accountable for a Fort Wayne bus accident depends on your ability to prove that those parties engaged in avoidable negligence. Some of the most common parties to appear in bus accident claims include the following:
Private Institutions and Agencies
Corporations throughout the United States make bus services available to curious travelers. If those buses pass through Fort Wayne and cause an accident, injured parties like you may have the right to hold corporations responsible for their recovery.
So long as you can prove that the employee who hit you benefits from a corporation’s legal oversight, you can bring a personal injury claim against that entity. However, there are instances wherein a company may misrepresent an employee’s status to avoid responsibility for their behavior on the road.
If you suspect a corporation or busing agency may take steps to avoid paying you the damages you deserve, let an experienced bus accident attorney in Fort Wayne know. We can step in and mitigate the company’s attempts to deny you support.
Independent Drivers
Any bus driver operating on an independent contractor contract takes responsibility for the accidents they cause on the road. If you get into an accident with someone working on an independent contractor contract, you may sue that individual but not their clients or agency.
The City of Fort Wayne
Like a corporation, the city of Fort Wayne offers some protections to the bus drivers it employs to operate city buses. If you get into an accident caused by a city bus driver, Fort Wayne’s local government may have to assume responsibility for your losses.
However, many city employees benefit from qualified immunity. That immunity may make it difficult for you to take legal action against a negligent bus driver.
Fortunately, our attorneys can help you work within any reduced timelines the city’s qualified immunity policies place on your right to file a claim. Our efforts can help you take advantage of the civil liberties you’re entitled to, regardless of the city’s attempts to distance itself from your accident.
There is no fee
unless you win
What Evidence Can You Use to Assign Liability After a Bus Accident?
Bus accident attorneys in Fort Wayne can utilize a unique array of evidence to help prove your right to loss-based settlement. This evidence may make itself known at the scene of your accident. It may alternatively come out over time in conversations with witnesses or collaborations with expert witnesses.
You can count on our team to help you compile evidence like the following:
- Video footage of the accident
- Witness statements
- Photos from before and after the accident
- Physical debris
- Physical signs of damage
- Medical reports
- A police report
- Electronic evidence
All of this data helps us hold specific parties, be they corporations or individuals, accountable for your losses. You can count on Vaughan & Vaughan to keep you up to date as more evidence about your case comes to light.
Our Fort Wayne Bus Accident Lawyers Fight for Your Right to Financial Support
Indiana’s civil statutes allow you to hold several different parties financially accountable for the losses you sustained in a recent bus accident. You don’t have to wade through the complexities of the law to figure out how to take action, though. If you connect with a Fort Wayne bus accident attorney, you can delegate responsibility for your recovery to our team.
Vaughan & Vaughan brings several combined decades of legal experience to your pursuit of support following a bus accident. We don’t let negligent corporations, city officials, or drivers stand between you and the funds you need to get back on your feet. You can book a free case evaluation with our team today to learn more about our available services.